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> BTW, feel free to add my pre-compiled
> netcdf 3.3 for GNU Win32 to your Wintel/contrib directory:
>        ftp://niteroi.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/win32/unidata/netcdf
> The tarfile also includes a port of udunits. I have used these libraries
> for the win32 port of GrADS.

Thank you for your contribution.
Rather than coping the file over here, we added a reference to it
in the FAQ. We hope this is okay with you.

> Have you dropped support of DJGPP?

Depends on what you mean by "support". We certainly want
to hear about problems with netcdf on that platform. We
don't do a test compile or provide specific Makefiles for
it anymore. Because DJGPP provides a UNIX-like environment,
the netcdf port to it is fairly straightforward. More importantly,
the people that use DJGPP know what to do with packages like netcdf
on that "platform". We have found that the unwashed masses of Wintel
users can't deal or don't want to deal with anything "unusual".
(I have questions from "programmers" who want to use netcdf on
intel machines and who don't understand the difference between
static linking and using DLLs.) Using DJGPP just makes things even
more "unusual" from their point of view.

Having said all that, it turns out that we use gcc on OS/2 to
build the McIDAS package, and McIDAS uses netcdf. When that gets
updated to netcdf-3, we will have to build netcdf-3 in that environment.
