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970609: building using NAG f90


>Date: 9 Jun 1997 16:39:02 -0500 
>From: "Steve Mauget" <address@hidden>
>Organization: USDA
>To: "Steve E" <address@hidden>
>Subject: Line 1654 
>Keywords: 199706021417.IAA27579

In the above message, you wrote:

> Steve :
>       I (think) I figured how to make my own test_read.f with
> the pre-processor , but the results had a lot of blank numbered
> lines. The segment below is centered at line 1654 . For what its
> worth the NAG f90 manual sez that max # continuation lines
> in fixed source form is 19, in free source form, 39.
>                                                                 Steve M.
> # 14 "test_read.F"
>         integer         number_of_messages
>         parameter       (number_of_messages = 27)
>         integer         i
>         integer         status(number_of_messages)
>         character*80    message
>         character*80    msg(number_of_messages)
>         data    status  /
>      +      NF_NOERR,
>      +      NF_EBADID,
>      +      NF_EEXIST,
>      +      NF_EINVAL,
>      +      NF_EPERM,
>      +      NF_ENOTINDEFINE,
>      +      NF_EINDEFINE,
>      +      NF_EINVALCOORDS,
>      +      NF_EMAXDIMS,
>      +      NF_ENAMEINUSE,
>      +      NF_ENOTATT,
>      +      NF_EMAXATTS,
>      +      NF_EBADTYPE,
>      +      NF_EBADDIM,
>      +      NF_EUNLIMPOS,
>      +      NF_EMAXVARS,
>      +      NF_ENOTVAR,
>      +      NF_EGLOBAL,
>      +      NF_ENOTNC,
>      +      NF_ESTS,
>      +      NF_EMAXNAME,
>      +      NF_EUNLIMIT,
>      +      NF_ENORECVARS,
>      +      NF_ECHAR,
>      +      NF_EEDGE,
>      +      NF_ESTRIDE,
>      +      NF_EBADNAME
>      +          /
>         data    msg     /
>      +      'No error',
>      +      'Not a netCDF id',
>      +      'netCDF file exists && NC_NOCLOBBER',
>      +      'Invalid argument',
>      +      'Write to read only',
>      +      'Operation not allowed in data mode',
>      +      'Operation not allowed in define mode',

OK.  Try the following:

    1.  Go into the nf_test/ subdirectory.
    2.  Edit the file "test_read.F": turn the two "data" statements
        above into a bunch of data statements, e.g.

        data    msg(20) / 'In Fortran, string too short',
        data    msg(21) / 'NC_MAX_NAME exceeded',
        data    msg(22) / 'NC_UNLIMITED size already in use',
        data    msg(23) / 'nc_rec op when there are no record vars',
        data    msg(24) / 'Attempt to convert between text & numbers',
        data    msg(25) / 'Edge+start exceeds dimension bound',
        data    msg(26) / 'Illegal stride',
        data    msg(27)
     +      / 'Attribute or variable name contains illegal characters' /

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>