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Re: cfortran on Cray T3E

I've put the (hopefully final) netcdf-3.3 release on t3e.gfdl.gov.
It is in /t3ehome3/ncar/netcdf-3.3.

There is a 'build' tree in /ftmp/ncar/build which contains the
.o files and the output of configure. (I ran into quota problems
trying to do this in /t3ehome3/ncar.)

I've built, tested and installed the C interface, ncgen, and ncdump.

I believe there is a problem with the cfortran.h (or perhaps the
C preprocessor) which is preventing the correct construction of the
fortran interface.

I have been unable to compile cfortest.c, a test routine supplied
with the cfortran package. Here is the output:

(t3e) 126 % pwd
(t3e) 127 % c89 -g -I. -c cfortest.c
cc-334 c89: ERROR File = cfortest.c, Line = 62
  The number of arguments for macro "EASY" does not match its definition.
cc-334 c89: ERROR File = cfortest.c, Line = 62
  The number of arguments for macro "EASY" does not match its definition.
cc-513 c89: ERROR File = cfortest.c, Line = 62
  An object is declared to have type "void".
cc-428 c89: ERROR File = cfortest.c, Line = 62
  The type of "EASY" is not compatible with its previously declared type.
cc-546 c89: ERROR File = cfortest.c, Line = 346
  The "while" keyword is expected where "void" appears.
cc-518 c89: ERROR File = cfortest.c, Line = 347
  At the beginning of a statement, "extern" is not valid.


In running
build/fortran/ftest, a simple test of the v2 fortran interface
(FORTRAN main()),
I get
SIGNAL: Operand range error ( [10003c034] unaligned address fault)

In running build/nf_test/nf_test, a more comprehensive test,
I get numerous errors. The first ones indicate incorrect handling of
integer arguments:
*** Testing nf_open ...
 nf_open: No such file or directory
 nf_redef of read-only file should fail
 nf_open: No such file or directory
 netCDF IDs for first and second nf_open calls should differ
 nf_close: Not a netCDF id

I hope this gives enough info to track things down.
