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"Cindy Nevison": netcdf - probelm solved!

>To: address@hidden
>From: address@hidden (Timothy Fredrick)
>Subject: netcdf errors (fwd)
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199610221507.AA02264

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Date:    22 Oct 1996 10:58:07 -0600
From:    "Cindy Nevison" <address@hidden>
To:      "Fredrick, Tim" <address@hidden>, "Russ Rew" <address@hidden>,
         "Craig, Cheryl" <Craig#m#address@hidden>
Subject: netcdf - probelm solved! 

                      netcdf - probelm solved!                     10/22/96

Tim, Cheryl, and Russ:

      FYI: Thanks to a hint from Russ, I think I've solved the problem.  The
parameter NCNOWRIT=0 was defined in netcdf.inc, but this parameter was called
NCNOWRITE in the rdprof_subs.f subroutine.  I deleted the "E" and now am able
to run my program reading multiple netcdf files.



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