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Re: Malloc in FORTRAN? (reprise)

Hi Craig,

> Since last talking with you, I've learned that FORTRAN-90
> supports dynamic memory allocation. Here's how my F90 book
> demonstrates the syntax for allocatable arrays:
>       Read (*,*) idim, jdim      ! Read in array dimensions
> c                                ! from user input.
>       ALLOCATE ( A(idim,jdim) )  ! Allocate heap space.
>       Do j = 1, jdim
>          Do i = 1, idim
>             A(i,j) = ...         ! Do something with the array.
>          End Do
>       End Do
>       DEALLOCATE ( A )           ! Array no longer needed;
> c                                ! recover storage.
> So, F90 seems to have aquired a lot of the functionality of C.
> I wonder if there are plans for support of F90 by NetCDF?

Yes, that's on our list.  Version 3 of netCDF will probably include a new
Fortran interface (in addition to support for the current interface) that
has longer names and a Fortran-90 interface block to catch type errors at
compile time.

But we'll have to support the Fortran 77 interface for as long as programs
still use it.
