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960119: NetCDF download


> To:       address@hidden
> From: address@hidden (Mike Barwise)
> Organization: .
> Subject: NetCDF download 
> Keywords: 199601192113.AA04247

In the above message you wrote:

> I have been trying to download netcdf.tar.z, but am experiencing problems.
> Your ftp site only seems to respond between about 21:00 and 23:00 my time
> (GMT), and I cannot get a transfer rate better than 0.3kb/sec. At this rate,
> I would have to be on the phone for a couple of hours.
> Do you have a problem at the moment, or can you suggest a better time of day
> to connect/alternate site?

I'm very surprised by this.  We use a FDDI ring to connect to our site's
T3 gateway to the Internet.  I doubt very strongly that the bottleneck is
at our end.  Since you're in Britain, I suspect that the problem lies
somewhere on the USA's East Coast or in Britain.

Have you tried using a utility for tracing Internet routes and times (e.g.

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>