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951009: netCDF distribution for MSDOS

>From: address@hidden (SHOA-CENDOC)
>Organization: Centro Nacional de Datos Oceanograficos de Chile
>Keywords: 199510091621.AA05669 netCDF MSDOS


>I am trying to setup the netcdf programs into my pc  (msdos)
>so I connected to you fto address and tried to download the netcdf.tar.z
>file, since I wanted the complete package. 

That is the general source distribution for the current netCDF release.

>I did not find that name as a file or directory. 

I just verified that there is a netcdf.tar.Z file in the pub/netcdf
directory of our anonymous FTP account:

contrib/                2.3.2-patch4            nctime.c
usage.txt               2.3.2-patch3            sample_data/
faq.txt                 FAQ@                    info/
utilities.txt           msdos/                  cdl/
mailing-lists.txt       netcdf_html.tar.Z       guide-2.3.2.ps.Z
THANKS                  ncopers.tar.Z@          COPYRIGHT
netcdf.tar.Z@           netcdf-232pl2.tar.Z     cdfprofile.oceanography
netcdf-232pl4.tar.Z     README                  ncprogs.txt
Conventions/            2.3.2-patch2            ncprogs.ps
irix64-alpha.tar.Z      2.3.2-patch1
udunits.tar.Z@          guide.ps.Z@

>I downloaded other files to find out what was the
>problem. Even I dowloaded the file netcdf-232p14.tar.z

This is the "real" distribution.  The file netcdf.tar.Z is a simple link
to the "current" distribution which, at this moment, is Version 2.3.2.

>(which my pc short it to netcdf-2.tar)

You can rename the file to fit the MSDOS 8.3 naming scheme when you FTP
it.  For instance:

get netcdf--232pl4.tar.Z netcdf.Z

>but i could not decompress it  since I dont know what
>compression program is useful (zoo, tar ,etc..)  

This is compressed with the compress utility that is available on Unix.
There are free versions of compress out there for MSDOS, but I don't
have a location I an give you.

The distribution you should grab for your MSDOS system is:


This is compressed using the PKZIP utility.  There are a number of sources
for MSDOS routines that will unzip this compressed file.  We make
one available, pkunzipf.exe, in the pub/utilities/pc directory of
our anonymous FTP account.

>Can you give a hint : is
>there any self-extracting versions of the necessary program files,

No, see above.

>Is there
>any program in windows that does automatic conversion between different
>archive types (I brought ZZAP (DOS) from other URL but  it didn=B4t work.)

There may be, but I don't know what it is.

>I also got the ncdump.exe from the msdos directory . but it didn=B4t work

Did you transfer this file in binary mode? I just tested it out here on
our MSDOS 6.2 system and it works fine.

>I needed the guide but it is in postscript & compressed Z format)
>You see i am in a loop , give me a hand...

The documentation is also included in the zipped file, NETCDF.ZIP in the
doc subdirectory:


Now all you need to do is grab pkunzipf.exe first and then the netCDF
distribution for MSDOS.  Please make sure to grab everything in binary

>Ricardo L. Rojas
>Centro Nacional de Datos Oceanograficos de Chile (CENDOC)
>Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada (SHOA)
>Casilla 324                          fono:  56-032-282697
>Errazuriz 232, Valparaiso            fax:   56-032-283537
>e-mail/internet=3D address@hidden

Tom Yoksas