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Re: netcdf/2.3.2-patch4

> Organization: American Cyanamid Company
> Keywords: 199501311653.AA02750

Hi Jon,

> Russ - Will "that patch" which caused a problem in ncgen when a varible
> name contained "netcdf" be included in this patch release?
> It is a problem for people using the AIA Chromatography data standard.
> I really had fun with it last summer. I had vagely remembered something
> on the mailing list. Luckily I found the patch through the WAIS indexed
> collection.

I don't remember much about this problem.  In fact, I have been unable to
come up with the right WAIS query to even find the any messages that
mentioned the problem.  Do you remember any more details, e.g. approximately
when the bug was reported, when the patch was posted, by whom, or any other
keyword in the message that would help me find it.  Using a queries like
"ncgen bug variable containing netcdf" just gets me over 50 seemingly
irrelevant matches.

