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Re: netCDF installation failure

>Date: Thu, 28 Jul 94 16:03:24 EDT 
>From: address@hidden (DAVID BARTHEL STAFF)
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: Re: netCDF installation failure 

In the above message you wrote:

>Through a trace of the C code, headers, and function calls, I
>determined the probl problem to be a result of a incorrectly specified
>compiler option.  Rather than the default CFLAGS=-O, I needed to
>specify CFLAGS=-g.  That did the trick, and the entire installation
>went flawlessly.

Sounds like the AIX xlc compiler has a bug in it.

>I wonder if you might know of any installations of NetCDF for the purpose
>of supporting a GIS.  I have chosen the format because I hypothesize that
>its direct access will allow me to retrieve a "slab" of data for a large
>geographic area quickly, import it into the ARC/INFO GIS, and create a
>disposable coverage which can be used to evaluate the spatial results
>of a climate model simulation.  While such coverages are useful, they
>are bulky and redundant information, and therefore will be deleted after
>use.  The NetCDF appears to be a more efficient way to store climate
>data (and retrieve it for custom applications).  Do you know of anyone
>who has used it to store WSR-88D NEXRAD Doppler Weather Radar images?
>These are also being incorporated into the GIS.  Thanks for your help...

I suggest checking the netCDF FAQ, which is available via the URL


(Let me know if you can't retrieve this.)  I do know that Harry Edmon
<address@hidden> has created something that puts NEXRAD data
into a netCDF file that is compatible with ZEB (see the netCDF FAQ for
information on ZEB).

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>