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Re: usage.txt

> Organization: University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute
> Keywords: 199404211551.AA13136

> > > I didn't see anything about SciAn from FSU in the usage.txt file.
> > > 
> > > Thought you might want to know.  If you need more details, let me
> > > know.
> > 
> > Please send me more details.  I don't know what "SciAn" is.
> It's in beta, but it's a pretty neat program for Scietific Visualization
> and Animation.  If you have a bunch of netCDF files lying around, you
> should just get the program and fire it up.  It's pretty nice for a wide
> range of users.

I have lots of netCDF files, but I don't currently have an IBM RS/6000 or
SGI IRIS 4D on my desk.  I do have access to a lower-end SGI or RS/6000 that
I may try SciAn on when I get some spare time.  If SciAn was ever ported to
OpenGL, I could use it on my SPARCstation 10.

> Check out URL http://www.scri.fsu.edu/programs.html for details.

I did.

> I wonder if you could put your information for usage.txt into HTML form
> and put up on the web.  Also it would be nice if it were attached to the
> netCDF web directly somehow.  Probably pretty easy I'm sure.

I assume you mean utilities.txt.  I've taken a first stab at putting it in
HTML and adding the SciAn reference.  I also put a reference to it in the
netCDF FAQ HTML document as well as from the entCDF homepage at


There's probably lot's more things that I could provide links for, but I
can't find home pages for AVS, IDL, IBM Data Explorer, SGI Iris Explorer,
etc.  If you know of web pages for any of these, I'd be grateful to here
about them so I could include links to keep things up-to-date.

Russ Rew                                              UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                        P.O. Box 3000
(303)497-8645                                 Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000