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Hi again Mike,

I passed along your observation (along with some ncdump output) to Ryan to
alert him to the anomalous filing AND file naming behavior.  Hopefully,
the "fix" to ldm-alchemy will be simple and he can get to it soonish.

At the same time, I took a look at the SCMI ADDE server code that I wrote,
and came to the conclusion that adding the sorting that I alluded to in
my previous email will not be simple for the general case since one
has to be assured that the file names are constructed in a way that
they can be monotonically sorted.  This means that the code would have
to know that the date and time are encoded into the file name in a
way that the date comes before the time.   The other thing that could
be done is to completely ignore the sorting done by the 'glob' in
the code, crack every file to extract the date and time, and then sort
the list based on the dates and times.  This is a more heavy weight,
slower approach that I would like to avoid at all costs.

I have been mapping out some future update to the SCMI ADDE server code
that would speed up access to current images for large sets of images, and
what I have come up with in my thought experiments would solve the problem
that you reported. The problem is that I want to push off this development
to some time in the future so I can focus on creating GOES-East image sectors
that will be usable as GOES-East GINI sectors that are important Unidata
GEMPAK users.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JGN-249914
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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