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19990216: NMC2 data

>From: address@hidden (Arthur A. Person)
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199902161655.JAA06175

>Seem to have missed a lot of NMC2 data the past day or so...
>No eta104 for 3, 12 or 18Z on 990215, no 0 or 3Z data for 
>today (990216) and this mornings eta104 looks spotty.
>Other stuff's been spotty or missing also.  Any known
>problems with the feed, or should I look further on my end?
>                                    Thanks.
>                                      Art.
>Arthur A. Person
>Research Assistant, System Administrator
>Department of Meteorology
>Penn State
>email:  address@hidden
>phone:  814-863-1563

GSFC had a disk failure  at 0517Z Monday. 
Dave Makofski has been working this morning on the disk...the data feed
is up now- but will take some time to clear out the backlog since
the AVN typically pushes the limit anyway, and it has to start an hour
in the hole.

Steve Chiswell