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Nsharp mod for AIX/HPUX crashes

Scott and Steve,

I have an update that may solve your crash problems with Nsharp
under HPUX/AIX.

I haven't been able to duplicate the crashes here on our systems,
but did find an uninitialized memory read under purify for Solaris
that would explain the symptoms you describe. I have attatched the
updated mapw.c file. If you can verify whether this fixes the
problem, let me know. Otherwise, I'll keep looking.

The explanation follows if your interested. Otherwise, just use the
attatched file.


In the mapw.c, the _fnd_closestn() call is expecting -1 on return if
nothing is found:

             * Find the closest station to the press location.
            ifound = _fnd_closestn( &xloc, &yloc );
            if ( ifound == -1 ) return;

The change needed is in the _fnd_closestn declaration of "found" so
that it is initialized to -1 as below:

int _fnd_closestn ( xin, yin )
float   *xin;
float   *yin;

 * int _fnd_closestn                                                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine finds the closest station marker on the map window      *
 *                                                                      *
 * int _fnd_closestn ( xin, yin )                                       *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * L. Williams/EAI      10/95                                           *
char sys1[2];
char sys2[2];
int  found=-1, nstn;      <------- modify this line to initialize found to -1.

My assumption is that by clicking on the map before data/time is selected,
the "return (found);" returns a garbage value to the call (which is not -1)
and the calling routine goes ahead and tries to index the stnList lat and lons:


#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "xwcmn.h"

#ifndef FLT_MAX
#define FLT_MAX 3.40282347E+38
#endif  /* FLT_MAX */

#define MAX_MAPS        30      /* maximum maps can be displayed for
                                                        map menu */

 * FORTRAN functions to be called
#define gtrans  gtrans_
#define map_init map_init_
#define map_spnt map_spnt_ 
#define ggtpnt   ggtpnt_ 
#define cfdate   cfdate_ 
#define xmotifw  xmotifw_ 
#define xxflsh   xxflsh_ 
#define gclear   gclear_ 
#endif /* UNDERSCORE */
#ifdef LINUX
#define map_init_ map_init__
#define map_spnt_ map_spnt__
#endif /* UNDERSCORE */

Widget mapw_create();
int    mapw_rgstr();
void   mapw_pickstnCb();
void   mapw_pickstnCb_pfc();
void   mapw_exposeCb();
void   mapw_resizeCb();
void   mapw_dataCb();
void   mapw_mapCb();
void   mapw_zoomCb();
void   mapw_exitCb();
void   _quitNwxOK_cb();
int    _fnd_closestn();

Widget   mapCanvW;
mapbnd_t mapBnd;

 * mapw.c                                                               *
 *                                                                      *
 * This module creates the map selection window and defines its         *
 *      callbacks.                                                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * CONTENTS:                                                            *
 *      mapw_create()   creates the map selection window.               *
 *      mapw_rgstr()    register the map selection window to GEMPAK     *
 *      mapw_pickstnCb()callback for the selection in drawing area.     *
 *      mapw_exposeCb() callback for the map drawing area expose event. *
 *      mapw_resizeCb() callback for the map drawing area resize event. *
 *      mapw_dataCb()   callback for the data button on menubar.        *
 *      mapw_mapCb()    callback for the map menu on menubar.           *
 *      mapw_zoomCb()   callback for the zoom button on menubar.        *
 *      mapw_exitCb()   callback for the exit button on menubar.        *
 *      _quitNwxOK_cb() internal callback used in mapw_exitCb().        *


Widget mapw_create( parent )
Widget  parent;

 * mapw_create                                                          *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function creates the map window.                                *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_create ( parent )                                               *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      parent  Widget          The top level widget                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *                                                                      *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *      Widget          The map window widget                           *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * C. Lin/EAI            8/95                                           *

Widget          shell, form, menubar, button; 
Pixel           background;
int             i, nmap, argcnt;
Arg             args[10];

char            *def_dir; 
static char     helpfile[128];

static _NXMmenuItem  mapmenu[MAX_MAPS];


         * Create the map selection window.
        shell = XtCreatePopupShell( "maptop",
                                parent, NULL, 0 );
        XtVaSetValues(shell, XmNtitle, "nwx", NULL);

         * MOTIF1.1 has problem with taking out close from mwm
        if ( (XmVERSION == 1) && (XmREVISION == 1) )
            XtVaSetValues(shell, XmNdeleteResponse, XmDO_NOTHING, NULL);
            /* NxmMcloseReset(shell, mapw_exitCb, NULL); */

         * create a form widget as the container widget
        form = XtVaCreateWidget("mapform",
                                xmFormWidgetClass, shell,
        XtVaGetValues(form, XmNbackground, &background, NULL);

         * create the menubar
        argcnt = 0;
        XtSetArg(args[argcnt],XmNtopAttachment,   XmATTACH_FORM); argcnt++;
        XtSetArg(args[argcnt],XmNleftAttachment,  XmATTACH_FORM); argcnt++;
        XtSetArg(args[argcnt],XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); argcnt++;
        menubar = XmCreateMenuBar(form, "topmenubar", args, argcnt);
        XtVaSetValues(menubar, XmNbackground, background, NULL);

         * create Data pulldown menu
        button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Data", NULL, 0);
        XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, mapw_dataCb, NULL);

         * Create Map pulldown menu
         * Set the items for the menu bar for the map areas.
        nmap = nwxTable->nmap;
        for ( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) {
            mapmenu[i].label = (char *)
            strcpy ( mapmenu[i].label, nwxTable->map_info[i].name );
            mapmenu[i].class        = &xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass;
            mapmenu[i].mnemonic     = CHNULL;
            mapmenu[i].accelerator  = (char *) NULL;
            mapmenu[i].accel_text   = (char *) NULL;
            mapmenu[i].callback     = mapw_mapCb;
            mapmenu[i].which_widget = i;
            mapmenu[i].subitems     = NULL;
            mapmenu[i].sub_buttons  = NULL;
        mapmenu[nmap].label        = (char *) NULL;
        mapmenu[nmap].class        = &xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass;
        mapmenu[nmap].mnemonic     = CHNULL;
        mapmenu[nmap].accelerator  = (char *) NULL;
        mapmenu[nmap].accel_text   = (char *) NULL;
        mapmenu[nmap].callback     = NULL;
        mapmenu[nmap].which_widget = nmap;
        mapmenu[nmap].subitems     = NULL;
        mapmenu[nmap].sub_buttons  = NULL;

        NxmMenuPulldownBuild(menubar, NULL, "Map", CHNULL, mapmenu);

         * Create Zoom pulldown menu
        button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Zoom", NULL, 0);
        XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, mapw_zoomCb, NULL);

         * Create Exit button 
        button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Exit", NULL, 0);
        XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, mapw_exitCb, NULL);

         * Create Help button 
        button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Help", NULL, 0);
        def_dir = getenv("NAWIPS_HELP");
        sprintf(helpfile, "%s/nwx/nwx.hlp", def_dir);
        XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, 
        /*XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, NxmHelpButtonCallback,

         * put the help cascade button at the right most side of
         * the menu bar
        if(button = XtNameToWidget(menubar, "Help"))
                XtVaSetValues(menubar, XmNmenuHelpWidget, button, NULL);


         * Create the map drawing area
        mapCanvW = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "mapcanv",
                                xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, form,
                                XmNtopAttachment,         XmATTACH_WIDGET,
                                XmNtopWidget,             menubar,
                                XmNleftAttachment,        XmATTACH_FORM,
                                XmNrightAttachment,       XmATTACH_FORM,
                                XmNbottomAttachment,      XmATTACH_FORM,
                                XmNresizable,             TRUE,
                                NULL );
         * Add the expose and resize callbacks.
        XtAddCallback( mapCanvW, XmNexposeCallback, mapw_exposeCb, NULL );
        XtAddCallback( mapCanvW, XmNresizeCallback, mapw_resizeCb, NULL );

         * Add the station/state selection event.
        XtAddEventHandler( mapCanvW, ButtonPressMask,   FALSE,
                                mapw_pickstnCb, NULL );

        XtManageChild( form );
        XtRealizeWidget( shell );
         * create the product selection popup

        return( shell );



int mapw_rgstr( mapwin )
Widget mapwin;

 * mapw_rgstr                                                           *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine will initiliaze the GEMPAK display variables and        *
 * register the map drawing area into a GEMPAK window.                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_rgstr ( mapwin )                                                *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      mapwin        Widget          The map drawing area widget       *
 *                                                                      *
 * Return code:                                                         *
 *      0 -- Successful.                                                *
 *     -1 -- Error.                                                     *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * S. Jacobs/NMC         7/94                                           *
 * C. Lin/EAI            3/95 use new color bank structure              *
 * C. Lin/EAI            9/95                                           *

XColor          cred;
Dimension       wdth, hght;
struct maptype_list     map_info[2];
mapbnd_t                mapb;

Window          gwin;
GC              gemgc;
Cursor          curs;

int             xwdth, xhght, xdpth;

int             iret, mapindx;
char            xwinname[20];


         * Get the map window geometry.
                      XmNwidth,  &wdth,
                      XmNheight, &hght,

        xwdth = (int)wdth;
        xhght = (int)hght;
        xdpth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(mapwin));

         * Set the window and graphics context.
        gwin  = XtWindow(mapwin);
        gemgc = XCreateGC(gemdisplay, gwin, 0, 0);

         * Create a red arrow for the cursor.
        curs = XCreateFontCursor(gemdisplay, XC_top_left_arrow);
        XDefineCursor(gemdisplay, gwin, curs);
        cred.red   = 65535;
        cred.blue  = 0;
        cred.green = 0;
        cred.flags = DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen;
        XRecolorCursor(gemdisplay, curs, &cred, &cred);

         * Set the fill rule.
        XSetFillRule(gemdisplay, gemgc, WindingRule);

         * Register the map window
        xmotifw(gwin, "maptop", gemgc, xwdth, xhght, xdpth, &iret);

        if( iret != 0 )
          return( iret );

         * Draw the US map.     FORTRAN function map_init()
        map_init(&iret, xwinname, strlen(xwinname));
        strcpy ( map_info[0].name, "US" );
        strcpy ( map_info[0].proj, "STR/90;-105;0/nm" );
        strcpy ( map_info[0].garea, "22.88;-120.49;46.02;-60.83" );
        mapb.x[0] = 22.88;mapb.x[1]=46.02;
        mapb.y[0] = -120.49;mapb.y[1]=-60.83;
        mapindx = 0;
        draw_map(mapindx, &map_info, 0, &mapb, &iret);

        return( 0 );



void mapw_pickstnCb( w, client_data, event )
Widget          w;
XtPointer       client_data;
XEvent          *event;

 * mapw_pickstnCb                                                       *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function will select a station/stations based on the position   *
 * of left mouse button.                                                *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_pickstnCb ( w, client_data, event )                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      client_data     XtPointer       The input data for the widget   *
 *      event           XEvent          The registered event            *
 **                                                                     *
 * C. Lin/EAI            6/95  modify from rband_start                  *
 * C. Lin/EAI            9/95                                           *

int             ifound, iret;
int             jcolr, imrk;
float           xloc, yloc;


         * Check if it is ploting the values
        if ( plotData.mode != STNSELECT )

         * Check if it is a left mouse button.

        if  ( event->xbutton.button == 1 ) {

             * set the search flag indicating it is new data
            srchInfo.sflag = 0;

             * If there were selected stations, clear the selected
             * station markers.
            if  ( plotData.plt_mark.nstn )  {
                    jcolr = RES_COL;
                    imrk  = SEL_MRK;
                    draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn, 
                                  jcolr, imrk, &iret);

             * redraw all station markers
            jcolr = ALL_COL;
            imrk  = ALL_MRK;
            draw_stnmark(stnList.nstn, stnList.lat, stnList.lon, 
                         jcolr, imrk, &iret);

             * Get the x and y values for the button press.
            xloc = (float) event->xbutton.x;
            yloc = (float) event->xbutton.y;

             * Find the closest station to the press location.
            ifound = _fnd_closestn( &xloc, &yloc ); 
            if ( ifound == -1 ) return;

                 * Set the selected lat-lon for a single station.
                plotData.plt_mark.lat[0]  = stnList.lat[ifound];
                plotData.plt_mark.lon[0]  = stnList.lon[ifound];
                plotData.plt_mark.nstn = 1;

             * Plot the selected station markers.
            jcolr = SEL_COL;
            imrk  = SEL_MRK;
            draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn, plotData.plt_mark.lat, 
                        plotData.plt_mark.lon, jcolr, imrk, &iret );


        } /* end of checking xbutton=1 */


int _fnd_closestn ( xin, yin )
float   *xin;
float   *yin;

 * int _fnd_closestn                                                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine finds the closest station marker on the map window      *
 *                                                                      *
 * int _fnd_closestn ( xin, yin )                                       *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * L. Williams/EAI      10/95                                           *
char sys1[2];
char sys2[2];
int  found=-1, nstn;
int  i, ier=0;
float dist1, dist2;
float *rx, *ry;
double x, y;


        strcpy (sys1, "M");
        strcpy (sys2, "D");

        if ( srchInfo.smethod == STANDARD ) {

                nstn = stnList.nstn;

                rx = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * nstn);
                ry = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * nstn);

                 * Transform from map coordinates to plot coordinates.
                gtrans( sys1, sys2, &nstn, stnList.lat, stnList.lon,
                        rx, ry, &ier, strlen(sys1), strlen(sys2) );

        else if ( srchInfo.smethod == WATCHWARN ) {

                nstn = stnList.nrptstn;

                if ( nstn == 0 ) {
                        return ( -1 ) ;
                else {

                        rx = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * nstn);
                        ry = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * nstn);

                         * Transform from map coordinates to plot coordinates.
                        gtrans( sys1, sys2, &nstn, stnList.rptstnlat, 
                                rx, ry, &ier, strlen(sys1), strlen(sys2) );



         * Find the closest data point.
        dist1  = FLT_MAX;
        for (i=0; i < nstn; i++) {

            x =  rx[i] - *xin;
            y =  ry[i] - *yin;

            dist2 = pow( x, 2.0 ) + pow( y, 2.0 );

            if  ( dist2 < dist1 ) {
                dist1 = dist2;
                found = i;


        return (found);


void mapw_exposeCb( w, which, cb_data )
Widget          w;
int             which;
XtPointer       cb_data;

 * mapw_exposeCb                                                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine is the callback for expose window.                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_exposeCb ( w, which, cb_data )                                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      which           int             The input data for the widget   *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      cb_data         XtPointer       The output data for the widget  *
 **                                                                     *
 * S. Jacobs/NMC         8/94                                           *

int    raise, iret;


         * Flush the graphics buffer.
        raise = G_TRUE;
        xxflsh ( &raise, &iret );



void mapw_resizeCb( w, which, cb_data )
Widget          w;
int             which;
XtPointer       cb_data;

 * mapw_resizeCb                                                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine is the callback for resize window.                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_resizeCb ( w, which, cb_data )                                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      which           int             The input data for the widget   *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      cb_data         XtPointer       The output data for the widget  *
 **                                                                     *
 * S. Jacobs/NMC         8/94           add check for valflg            *
 * C. Lin/EAI           10/95                                           *

int  iret;

         * Clear the screen.
        gclear( &iret );



void mapw_zoomCb( w, data, cb_data )
Widget          w;
XtPointer       data;
XtPointer       cb_data;

 * mapw_zoomCb                                                          *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine is the callback for the zoom button in the top menubar. *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_zoomCb ( w, data, cb_data )                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      data            XtPointer       The input data for the widget   *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      cb_data         XtPointer       The callback data for the widget*
 **                                                                     *
 * C. Lin/EAI    6/95   based on the obsolete function rband_end().     *
 * C. Lin/EAI   10/95                                                   *

static int    org_flg = 0;
static Pixel  org_zoombc;
static XColor zoombc;
static int zflag = G_FALSE; /* flag for the zoom toggle button */

int    i, ityp, np, iret;

XColor ignore;

float  xpts[2], ypts[2], xdev[2], ydev[2];
char   sysin[2], sysout[2];

void   mapw_pickstnCb();


         * Toggle the Zoom Button
        if (zflag == G_TRUE) {  /* zoom off */

                zflag = G_FALSE;

                 * Restore the button color
                XtVaSetValues(w, XmNforeground, org_zoombc, NULL);

                 * Restore the cursor
                /*NuiDefaultCursor( mapCanvW );*/
                NxmCursor_setCursor(mapCanvW, CURS_DEFAULT);

                 * Restore mouse to be selection status
                XSelectInput( gemdisplay, XtWindow(mapCanvW),
                        ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
                        ExposureMask );

                XtAddEventHandler( mapCanvW, ButtonPressMask, FALSE,
                        mapw_pickstnCb, NULL );
        else { /* zoom on */

                zflag = G_TRUE;

                 * Change mouse event handling for zooming
                XtRemoveEventHandler( mapCanvW, ButtonPressMask, FALSE,
                        mapw_pickstnCb, NULL);

                usrSelect.zoomflg = G_TRUE;

                 * get the original zoom button color and
                 * the color in zoom status
                 * when needed.
                if ( !org_flg ) {

                        XtVaGetValues(w, XmNforeground, &org_zoombc, NULL);
                        XAllocNamedColor( gemdisplay, gemmap, "red",
                                &zoombc, &ignore );

                        org_flg = 1;

                 * change to the zoom cursor
                /*NxmCursorChange( mapCanvW, XC_crosshair, "white");*/
                NxmCursor_setCursor(mapCanvW, XC_crosshair);

                 * change zoom button color
                XtVaSetValues( w, XmNforeground, zoombc.pixel, NULL);
                XmUpdateDisplay( w );

                 * get two corner points
                ityp = 3;
                np = 2;
                strcpy ( sysin, "D" );
                for ( i = 0; i < np; i++)
                        xpts[i] = ypts[i] = 0.0;
                ggtpnt( sysin, &ityp, xdev, ydev, &iret, strlen(sysin));

                 * check if the box is big enough
                if ( fabs(xdev[0] - xdev[1]) > 20 &&
                        fabs(ydev[0] - ydev[1]) > 20 ) {

                        strcpy ( sysout, "M" );
                        gtrans(sysin, sysout, &np, xdev, ydev, xpts, ypts,
                                &iret, strlen(sysin), strlen(sysout));

                        if ( iret == 0 ) {
                                for ( i = 0; i < np; i++) {
                                        mapBnd.x[i] = xpts[i];
                                        mapBnd.y[i] = ypts[i];

                 * Reset the zoom button
                mapw_zoomCb( w, NULL, NULL);




void mapw_exitCb( w, data, cb_data )
Widget          w;
XtPointer       data;
XtPointer       cb_data;

 * mapw_exitCb                                                          *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine is the callback for the exit button.                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_exitCb ( w, data, cb_data )                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      data            XtPointer       The input data for the widget   *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      cb_data         XtPointer       The output data for the widget  *
 **                                                                     *
 * S. Jacobs/NMC         8/94                                           *
 * C. Lin/EAI           10/95   restructure                             *

void    _quitNwxOK_cb ( );


         * Set the exit message and display the exit dialog box.
        strcpy( message, "OK to Exit from NWX?" );

        NxmExitDialog( w, "Exit Confirmation", message,


void _quitNwxOK_cb( w, data, cb_data )
Widget          w;
XtPointer       data;
XtPointer       cb_data;

 * _quitNwxOK_cb                                                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine is the callback for OK button in ExitDialog.            *
 *                                                                      *
 * _quitNwxOK_cb ( w, data, cb_data )                                   *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      data            XtPointer       The input data for the widget   *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      cb_data         XtPointer       The output data for the widget  *
 **                                                                     *
 * S. Jacobs/NMC         8/94                                           *


         * Quit the program.



void mapw_mapCb( w, which, cb_data )
Widget          w;
int             which;
XtPointer       cb_data;

 * mapw_mapCb                                                           *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine is the callback for the map area menu.                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_mapCb ( w, which, cb_data )                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      which           int             The item number for the menu    *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      cb_data         XtPointer       The output data for the widget  *
 **                                                                     *
 * S. Jacobs/NMC         8/94                                           *
 * L. Williams/EAI      12/94           add check for valflg            *
 * C. Lin/EAI           10/95                                           *


         * Set the global variable for the map menu selection.
        usrSelect.mapindx = which;

         * Draw the map window.
        usrSelect.zoomflg = G_FALSE;



void mapw_dataCb(w, client_data, call_data)
Widget              w;
XtPointer           client_data;
XtPointer           call_data;

 * mapw_dataCb                                                          *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function will pop up  the data selection shell widget           *
 *                                                                      *
 * void mapw_dataCb(w, client_data, call_data)                          *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input Parameters:                                                    *
 *  w                   Widget                                          *
 *  client_data         Widget                                          *
 *  call_data           Widget                                          *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * L. Williams          06/95                                           *
     /* XtManageChild(dataSelectW);*/


void mapw_pickstnCb_pfc( w, client_data, event )
Widget          w;
XtPointer       client_data;
XEvent          *event;

 * mapw_pickstnCb_pfc                                                       *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function will select a station/stations based on the position   *
 * of left mouse button.                                                *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_pickstnCb_pfc ( w, client_data, event )                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          The input widget                *
 *      client_data     XtPointer       The input data for the widget   *
 *      event           XEvent          The registered event            *
 **                                                                     *
 * C. Lin/EAI            6/95  modify from rband_start                  *
 * C. Lin/EAI            9/95                                           *

int             ifound, iret;
int             jcolr, imrk;
float           xloc, yloc;


         * Check if it is ploting the values
        if ( plotData.mode != STNSELECT )

         * Check if it is a left mouse button.

        if  ( event->xbutton.button == 1 ) {

             * set the search flag indicating it is new data
            srchInfo.sflag = 0;

             * If there were selected stations, clear the selected
             * station markers.
            if  ( plotData.plt_mark.nstn )  {
                    jcolr = RES_COL;
                    imrk  = SEL_MRK;
                    draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn, 
                                  jcolr, imrk, &iret);

             * redraw all station markers
            jcolr = ALL_COL;
            imrk  = ALL_MRK;
            draw_stnmark(stnList.nstn, stnList.lat, stnList.lon, 
                         jcolr, imrk, &iret);

             * Get the x and y values for the button press.
            xloc = (float) event->xbutton.x;
            yloc = (float) event->xbutton.y;

             * Find the closest station to the press location.
            ifound = _fnd_closestn( &xloc, &yloc ); 
            if ( ifound == -1 ) return;

                 * Set the selected lat-lon for a single station.
                plotData.plt_mark.lat[0]  = stnList.lat[ifound];
                plotData.plt_mark.lon[0]  = stnList.lon[ifound];
                plotData.plt_mark.nstn = 1;

             * Plot the selected station markers.
            jcolr = SEL_COL;
            imrk  = SEL_MRK;
            draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn, plotData.plt_mark.lat, 
                        plotData.plt_mark.lon, jcolr, imrk, &iret );


        } /* end of checking xbutton=1 */


int mapw_rgstr_pfc( mapwin )
Widget mapwin;

 * mapw_rgstr_pfc                                                       *
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine will initiliaze the GEMPAK display variables and        *
 * register the map drawing area into a GEMPAK window.                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * mapw_rgstr_pfc ( mapwin )                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      mapwin        Widget          The map drawing area widget       *
 *                                                                      *
 * Return code:                                                         *
 *      0 -- Successful.                                                *
 *     -1 -- Error.                                                     *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * S. Jacobs/NMC         7/94                                           *
 * C. Lin/EAI            3/95 use new color bank structure              *
 * C. Lin/EAI            9/95                                           *

XColor          cred;
Dimension       wdth, hght;
struct maptype_list     map_info[2];
mapbnd_t                mapb;

Window          gwin;
GC              gemgc;
Cursor          curs;

int             xwdth, xhght, xdpth;

int             iret, mapindx;

char            xwinname[20];


         * Get the map window geometry.
                      XmNwidth,  &wdth,
                      XmNheight, &hght,

        xwdth = (int)wdth;
        xhght = (int)hght;
        xdpth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(mapwin));

         * Set the window and graphics context.
        gwin  = XtWindow(mapwin);
        gemgc = XCreateGC(gemdisplay, gwin, 0, 0);

         * Create a red arrow for the cursor.
        curs = XCreateFontCursor(gemdisplay, XC_top_left_arrow);
        XDefineCursor(gemdisplay, gwin, curs);
        cred.red   = 65535;
        cred.blue  = 0;
        cred.green = 0;
        cred.flags = DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen;
        XRecolorCursor(gemdisplay, curs, &cred, &cred);

         * Set the fill rule.
        XSetFillRule(gemdisplay, gemgc, WindingRule);

         * Register the map window

        xmotifw(gwin, "maptop2", gemgc, xwdth, xhght, xdpth, &iret);

        if( iret != 0 )
          return( iret );

         * Draw the US map.     FORTRAN function map_init()

        map_init(&iret, xwinname, strlen(xwinname));
        strcpy ( map_info[0].name, "US" );
        strcpy ( map_info[0].proj, "STR/90;-105;0/nm" );
        strcpy ( map_info[0].garea, "22.88;-120.49;46.02;-60.83" );
        mapb.x[0] = 22.88;mapb.x[1]=46.02;
        mapb.y[0] = -120.49;mapb.y[1]=-60.83;
        mapindx = 0;
        draw_map(mapindx, &map_info, 0, &mapb, &iret);

        return( 0 );
