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Re: 20000921: installation

So Young Ha <address@hidden> asked:

Thanks for your fast reply.
But even though I tried 'make all' again in my $NAWIPS directory, I've
got the error message in make.out and failed to install GEMPAK.
Is there nothing else to be fixed up more?


cc -DUNDERSCORE -DOSF1 -g    -c -I/upc/netcdf/include -DGEMPAK -D__STDC__ 
cc: Severe: decode_ncprof.c, line 3: Cannot find file <netcdf.h> specified in 
#include directive.
#include <netcdf.h>



Your build has stopped at the point of building dcncprof.
This decoder, as well as dcacars, require the NETCDF library to
be installed, and the location of NETCDF and NETCDFINC defined
in $NAWIPS/config/Makeinc.common. If you don't need these decoders
for profiler and acars data from FSL to be built, then you
can remove their names from the $NAWIPS/unidata/ldmbridge/Makefile.
If you want them to be built, and have NetCDF installed, then
just set those locations in the Makeinc.common. 

Generally, you download and install the NetCDF library from our
anonymous ftp server under the pub/netcdf/netcdf.tar.Z file
and install on your system, then define the $NAWIPS/config/Makeinc.common
definitions for NETCDF and NETCDFINC to point to the directories on your system 
where the libnetcdf.a and netcdf.h library and include files are.
After that, you can type 
"make all" from $NAWIPS again, and the build should complete.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support