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19990409: Saving a gif image


you can run gdcntr with multiple overlays and have the image stored
as a gif. The first plot you make will have clear=yes,
then each subsequent overlay you want to make sure clear=no.
Then, when you are done, you must remember to run gpend so that
all the graphics are flushed to the gif file and the file is closed.

In terms of running a program a single time, rather than having to
invoke multiple invocations to overlay each field, you can
use gdplot for both contours and vectors.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Richard Clark wrote:

> Steve:
> I trying to save a gempak contour plot made from gdcntr as a gif file,
> or some other type, that I can bring into power point.  I create a
> multiple contour plot using gdcntr, but as far as I can tell, I can't
> save it using device = gf|filename.gif because that only saves the last
> contour that I created and not the overlays of three contours I created
> of temp, smxr, and pmsl. So I display it to screen and run gpsave, which
> supposedly saves it as a bitmap file. But when I try to display it and
> convert it to gif using XV, or Image Tool, or Windows Imaging, or POwer
> Point, the file type is not recognized.
> This could be made simpler if I could use gfunc once like gfunc =
> tmpc;smxr;pmsl, but as far as I can tell, I can only use gfunc = (single
> parameter like tmpc). If there is a way to do all three or more at once,
> then I could save it using device =...
> If this is impossible, and the only way I can save the combined plot is
> by using gpsave, then can you tell me if there is a way I can save it to
> something that will be recognized by one of the fore-mentioned imaging
> tools.
> Thanks for your help.
> Rich