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19990305: Gridding observational data


Here are the basic steps for gridding observational data for display
using the gd grid diagnostic programs.

1) create a new grid file with gdcfil

To create a grid file that will hold 1000 grids (maximum is 10,000),
using the grid #211 projection:

 GDOUTF   = test.gem
 PROJ     = 
 KXKY     = 
 MAXGRD   = 1000
 CPYFIL   = #211
 ANLYSS   = 
Creating process: gplt for queue 1100


 New grid file:         test.gem                                                
 File copied:           #211                                                    
 Grid projection:       LCC                     
 Lower left corner:         12.19  -133.46
 Upper right corner:        57.29   -49.38
 KX, KY:                       93       65
 DELTAN =     1.000       EXTEND =   0;  0;  0;  0
 Maximum number of grids that can be added to file 1000
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:

or, to create a 20x20 grid for the LNS area, using a ced projection
 GDOUTF   = test_lns.gem
 PROJ     = ced
 GRDAREA  = lns
 KXKY     = 20;20
 MAXGRD   = 1000
 CPYFIL   = 
 ANLYSS   = 


 New grid file:         test_lns.gem                                            
 Grid projection:       CED                     
 Lower left corner:         36.12   -83.30
 Upper right corner:        44.12   -69.30
 KX, KY:                       20       20
 X/Y grid spacing:           0.42     0.74
 DELTAN =     1.200       EXTEND =   2;  2;  2;  2
 Maximum number of grids that can be added to file 1000
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:

2) Grid surface data info the resulting grid file using Barnes analysis
   using oabsfc (use 2 passes, gamma=.3). ote, gridding surface data will
greate grids with GVCORD = NONE.

 SFFILE   = $SAO/990305_sao.gem
 GDFILE   = test.gem
 SFPARM   = pmsl;tmpc;dwpc;uwnd;vwnd
 DATTIM   = all
 GUESS    = 
 GAMMA    = .3
 SEARCH   = 50/EX
 NPASS    = 2


 Output grid file:        test.gem
 Number of x, y points:    93    65
 Grid bnds:     12.19  -133.46    57.29   -49.38  Grid xtnd:    0   0   0   0
 Station spacing:           1.00
 No first guess file is requested. 
 Surface file:            $SAO/990305_sao.gem
 Data area:               11.00;-154.00;62.00;-48.00
 Parameters:              PMSL  TMPC  DWPC  UWND  VWND
 Time:                   990305/0000         
 GAMMA: 0.30   SEARCH:  50.00  NPASS:  2
 Data extrapolation may occur. 
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:

   RMS values for pass  1
            PMSL    TMPC    DWPC    UWND    VWND
  RMS       1.06    1.86    2.15    2.04    1.95
  #STN      1096    1581    1555    1557    1557

   RMS values for pass  2
            PMSL    TMPC    DWPC    UWND    VWND
  RMS       0.69    1.33    1.54    1.61    1.51
  #STN      1096    1581    1555    1557    1557


 Output grid file:        test.gem
 Number of x, y points:    93    65
 Grid bnds:     12.19  -133.46    57.29   -49.38  Grid xtnd:    0   0   0   0
 Station spacing:           1.00
 No first guess file is requested. 
 Surface file:            $SAO/990305_sao.gem
 Data area:               11.00;-154.00;62.00;-48.00
 Parameters:              PMSL  TMPC  DWPC  UWND  VWND
 Time:                   990305/0100         
 GAMMA: 0.30   SEARCH:  50.00  NPASS:  2
 Data extrapolation may occur. 
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:


In the above output, the RMS for each pass is the mean square difference between
the actual data and the interpolated value from the grid. The RMS should
decrease in the second pass (a feature of barnes analysis successive correction
scheme). The number of stations in your grid area that are used for
the anaysis are shown.

3) perform barnes analysis on sounding data using oabsnd.
   Note, the number of fields you can grid at one time
   depends  on how many levels you chose to grid. If you get a message
   regarding not enough space to grid all your parameters, decrease
   the number of levels, or number of parameters you grid at one time.

 SNFILE   = $UPA/990305_upa.gem
 GDFILE   = test.gem
 SNPARM   = tmpc;dwpc;hght;uwnd;vwnd
 STNDEX   = 
 LEVELS   = 1000-500-100
 VCOORD   = pres
 DATTIM   = all
 GUESS    = 
 GAMMA    = .3
 SEARCH   = 50/EX
 NPASS    = 2


 Output grid file:        test.gem
 Number of x, y points:    93    65
 Grid bnds:     12.19  -133.46    57.29   -49.38 Grid xtnd:    0   0   0   0
 Station spacing:           1.00
 No first guess file is requested. 
 Sounding file:           $UPA/990305_upa.gem
 Data area:               11.00;-154.00;62.00;-48.00
 Level parameters:        TMPC  DWPC  HGHT  UWND  VWND
 Levels:                  1000     900     800     700     600     500
 Vertical coordinate:     pres                                                  
 Station parameters:    
 Time:                   990305/0000         
 GAMMA: 0.30   SEARCH:  50.00  NPASS:  2
 Data extrapolation may occur. 
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:


4) fields gridded in the test.gem file

 GDFILE    Grid file                         test.gem
 LSTALL    Full list flag                    yes
 OUTPUT    Output device/filename            t
 Parameters requested: GDFILE,LSTALL,OUTPUT.

 GRID FILE: test.gem                                                            

     PROJECTION:          LCC                 
     ANGLES:                25.0   -95.0    25.0
     GRID SIZE:           93  65
     LL CORNER:              12.19   -133.46
     UR CORNER:              57.29    -49.38

     DELTAN:               1.000
     DELTAX:           -9999.000
     DELTAY:           -9999.000
     GRID AREA:            11.00 -154.00   62.00  -48.00
     EXTEND AREA:          11.00 -154.00   62.00  -48.00
     DATA AREA:            11.00 -154.00   62.00  -48.00

 Number of grids in file:    40

 Maximum number of grids in file:   1000

  NUM       TIME1              TIME2           LEVL1 LEVL2  VCORD PARM
    1     990305/0000                           1000         PRES TMPC        
    2     990305/0000                           1000         PRES DWPC        
    3     990305/0000                           1000         PRES HGHT        
    4     990305/0000                           1000         PRES UWND        
    5     990305/0000                           1000         PRES VWND        
    6     990305/0000                            900         PRES TMPC        
    7     990305/0000                            900         PRES DWPC        
    8     990305/0000                            900         PRES HGHT        
    9     990305/0000                            900         PRES UWND        
   10     990305/0000                            900         PRES VWND        
   11     990305/0000                            800         PRES TMPC        
   12     990305/0000                            800         PRES DWPC        
   13     990305/0000                            800         PRES HGHT        
   14     990305/0000                            800         PRES UWND        
   15     990305/0000                            800         PRES VWND        
   16     990305/0000                            700         PRES TMPC  
   17     990305/0000                            700         PRES DWPC        
   18     990305/0000                            700         PRES HGHT        
   19     990305/0000                            700         PRES UWND        
   20     990305/0000                            700         PRES VWND        
   21     990305/0000                            600         PRES TMPC        
   22     990305/0000                            600         PRES DWPC        
   23     990305/0000                            600         PRES HGHT        
   24     990305/0000                            600         PRES UWND        
   25     990305/0000                            600         PRES VWND        
   26     990305/0000                            500         PRES TMPC        
   27     990305/0000                            500         PRES DWPC        
   28     990305/0000                            500         PRES HGHT        
   29     990305/0000                            500         PRES UWND        
   30     990305/0000                            500         PRES VWND        
   31     990305/0000                              0         NONE PMSL        
   32     990305/0000                              0         NONE TMPC        
   33     990305/0000                              0         NONE DWPC        
   34     990305/0000                              0         NONE UWND        
   35     990305/0000                              0         NONE VWND        
   36     990305/0100                              0         NONE PMSL        
   37     990305/0100                              0         NONE TMPC        
   38     990305/0100                              0         NONE DWPC        
   39     990305/0100                              0         NONE UWND        
   40     990305/0100                              0         NONE VWND        
 Parameters requested: GDFILE,LSTALL,OUTPUT.

I also have examples on gridding data, complete with exercises at:

The one program I haven't mentioned above is called "oagrid".

Oagrid is a program similar to gdcfil, in that it will create
the grid file that you will write the barnes analyzed grids into.
The difference between oagrid and gdcfil is that in gdcfil, you
tell the program what projection, grid area and number of gridpoints
you will use.

In Oagrid, you ask the program to look at your observed data (surface or
upper air data), and the program will create a CED grid for your
area with a suggested mean station spacing based on the observed data.
You can only create CED grids with OAGRID, but it is useful to
suggest a mean gridpoint spacing based on your data if you don't
have much experience with objective analysis.

Steve Chiswell