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[data-curation] New Wx Reporting Sites

K00U - Hardin US MT

KU55 - Panguitch US UT

METAR site ID change: KFTG to KCFO

The WSR-88D site ID will also change to KCFO.

35502 - unk KZ

37209 - Mestia GE

37210 - Tetnuldi GE

37492 - Bakhmaro GE

37524 - Bakuriani GE

37538 - Marneuli GE

37541 - Muhrani GE

37552 - Gombori GE

37566 - Gurjaani GE

37649 - Vashlovani GE

44458 - unk NP

48363 - Bungkarn TH

91521 - Honiara/Henderson AWS SB

91931 - unk PF


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