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Re: CONDUIT grids getting later and later again


I also concur with Pete. We have users interested in the .5 degree GFS, but like Pete, have not begun using it. The late reception of the 1 degree GFS and the lateness of the NAM have been very problematic for us and our data users.

We do retrieve the data via ftp since that has been more timely, but lately, we have noticed slow downs there too.


Pete Pokrandt wrote:

06 UTC GFS didn't start coming in here until after 12 UTC this AM.
It's just now finishing up at 14:31 UTC.

I'd like to second Robert's suggestion from a few weeks ago that
we back out of the 0.5 deg GFS data until we can resolve these
speed issues.

I haven't had time to even look at the 0.5 GFS data yet; is anyone
using it?


^ Pete Pokrandt                    V 1447  AOSS Bldg  1225 W Dayton St^
^ Systems Programmer               V Madison,         WI     53706    ^
^                                  V      address@hidden       ^
^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^
^ University of Wisconsin-Madison  V       262-0166 (Fax)             ^

Jerrold Robaidek                       Email:  address@hidden
SSEC Data Center                       Phone: (608) 262-6025
University of Wisconsin                Fax: (608) 263-6738
Madison, Wisconsin