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Re: Late 1 degree GFS and late eta's on CONDUIT

Yes, we're seeing it too . . . data just coming in . . .

I guess I'd have to say that I liked the parallel product insertion method that started on Jan. 4th. The forecast hours did not come in one by one, but ultimately the model data was received in its entirety faster. I'm not sure what's been happening since it got switched back to a serial insertion but it does seem much slower than
before the 4th . . .

Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator               **********************
Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences           address@hidden
University at Albany, ES-235                    518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue                          518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222                                **********************

Jerrold Robaidek wrote:

The 12 Z GFS 1 degree just started coming in and the NAMs (etas) are very late....

Things seem to have gone from bad to worse ....

(I do have some latency issues, but only 10 minutes, not the hours late that we are seeing.)

Anybody else seeing these problems?
