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[AWIPS #RKI-872116]: missing repo

Hey David,

First, could you check your /etc/yum.config file and see if it has "keepcache = 
0" in it?
If it has "keepcache = 1" can you change that to 0?  Also, if the line isn't in 
there at all could you add "keepcache = 0".

Okay, I'm sure you've tried this already but could you:
1. Delete the awips_install.sh file that's on your computer.
2. Run 'yum clean all'
3. Run 'wget https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/awips_install.sh'
4. Run 'chmod 755 awips_install.sh'
5. Run 'sudo ./awips_install.sh --cave'

Let me know if that has any effect?

--Shay Carter

Software Engineer II
UCAR - Unidata

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RKI-872116
Department: Support AWIPS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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