Where is NetCDF Used?

Making the software available freely available without registration makes it difficult to know where and how netCDF is being used, but we have compiled a list of over 1300 educational, research, and government sites that have recently made some use of netCDF, based on

  1. downloads from the Unidata site (ftp and http)
  2. subscribers and posters to netCDF mailing lists
  3. email support requests
  4. participation in annual netCDF workshops
during the period from 2012-04-01 through 2013-04-01.

Recent standardization efforts have resulted in netCDF endorsements by several standards bodies.

Here is a partial list of organizations using netCDF for archiving and accessing some of their data:

We list below brief descriptions of some of the projects and groups that have reported on their use of netCDF.