Re: VisAD w/ 3D on MacOSX 10.4

Hi John,

Not to my knowledge since Java3D 1.5 is still in pre-release
status.  However, in my opinion, the JOGL pipeline for Java3D
will become increasingly important, particularly on OSX, since
Apple has apparantly stopped it's porting of Java3D at v1.3.1.

We haven't done much testing of VisAD against v1.4, and I've
been meaning to give 1.5 with JOGL a try on the Mac - just
not enough time.  If you want to, and lets us know what you
find, that would be great.


John Carlson wrote:

Has anyone deployed VisAD with JOGL and Java3D 1.5?
Where Java3D 1.5 is using JOGL for rendering?  This looks
possible, I am just wondering how many people have
done it on the VisAD mailing list.



At 10:46 PM 8/7/2006, John Carlson wrote:

Note that I would like to use Java 2 SE 5.0 if possible.


At 10:38 PM 8/7/2006, John Carlson wrote:

Is it possible to get Java3D running on MacOSX 10.4,
so I can run VisAD on it?



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