Re: Building HDF-EOS adpters - Oops

  • To: "Kevin L. Manross" <kmanross@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Building HDF-EOS adpters - Oops
  • From: Tom Whittaker <tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 16:37:19 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Kevin L.  Manross wrote:
> Have you had much success running VisAD on Windows?  i've been trying to
> install it on Linux (RH 7.1) and every time i try to use the VisAd
> Spread Sheet, it kills my Xserver.  Depending on your opinion, i may try
> it on Windows98.

One of my colleagues runs VisAD on RH Linux...he should be in on Monday
and we can ask then.  You might check to be sure that you have the
latest version of Mesa (there was at least one person here who had a
problem with the XServer dying because of this) -- otherwise, I cannot
help you with that, sorry.

It's really easy to try VisAD on Windows; get the auto-installer at:

and run it on your Windows box.  It will install everything you need
(except OpenGL which should be on there already) -- Java, Java3D, VisAD
(JAR file), Jython, and put a couple of useful shortcuts into your
Menu->Programs folder (you can choose a different folder during install
ifyou like).

This version was really set up for folks to quickly get into using Python
("Jython" in Java-eze) with VisAD, and the install (and shortcuts) is
described in detail on the VisAD-Python Tutorial:

Good luck.


p.s. "Tom" is fine...

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Eng. Center
ph:  608.262.2759

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