Re: reading mcidas area data (endian??)

At the present time, only partial support for "little endian" data is available
when reading AREA files -- the directory and navigation blocks are "flipped"
correctly.  However, no provisions were made for flipping the data, since my
experience base was only with single-byte data values.

When I get back to work next week (I'm at a conference in DC this week), I'll
put in the changes.  I will communicate with you separately to get some sample
data files.


"G. G. Campbell" wrote:
> I have access to a large archive of Little Endian Mcidas area files.
> In the normal McIdas envirnment, byte swapping is automatic (the area
> header is checked
> and swapping is implemented if needed).
> Reading the data with VISAD appears to ignore this possibility.  The 2
> byte input image seems
> to be mapped correctly into the 3 d display.  But the color display
> appears random
> probably because the 2 byte input data was not byte swapped.
> Is there provision for this some where?
> I am new to VISAD so pardon me if there is an obvious answer.

Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Phone/VoiceMail: 608/262-2759
Fax: 608/262-5974

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