AW: performance issue with multiple data

Hi Bill,

> There are two stages in "rendering" a DataReference:
> 1. Transforming the Data to a scene graph, and
> 2. Java3D's rendering of the scene graph to the JPanel.
> When you call the setData() method of selected
> DataReferences, only those DataReferences should be
> re-transformed, unless you are constantly re-autoscaling
> (which can happen if there are ScalarMaps whose RealType
> values are always missing).

I'm not doing any re-autoscaling. But perhaps the problem is my
datastructure. I have about 1080 GeoLocations to manage, e.g. 1080
FlatFields each of them holding data for two Longitude-Latitude-Points.
So each FlatField represents a line. I don't know how fast VisAD can
handle such data. Is there a way to improve my datastructure? I need to
draw every GeoLocation as single line not as polyline. So a MathType
like (index -> (longitude, latitude)) won't work. Therefore I've chosen
to manage my data as (index -> (longitude -> latitude)) as you can see
from the source of the former mail.

> Re-transforming is usually a lot slower than re-rendering
> by Java3D, so if your application is slow then your map
> outlines may be re-transformed. Are you calling setData()
> for your map outlines, when you are updating your other
> DataReferences? Or are you always re-autoscaling?

Nothing of both.

Thanks for your help Bill, Mathias

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