[no subject]

  • To: visad-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject:
  • From: rsoni@xxxxxxxxxxxx via smtpd (for ssec.wisc.edu []) with SMTP; 1 Aug 2001 23:02:24 UT id <QC4H0CZG>; Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:58:11 -0700
  • Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:58:10 -0700
Dear VisAd staff,

        Hello.  I have a question about density plots?  I know it is
possible to create one using VisAd software, but I have no idea how to go
about it.   I was thinking that the ij.gui.ProfilePlot class might be the
answer, however, it requires an ImagePlus object, and I am unsure as to how
to create one from the data points I have. Thanks.

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      • From: Bill Hibbard
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