Re: Alternative DataRenderer in FancySSCell

Hi Mathias,

Unfortunately, the current implementation does not let you
specify your own DataRenderer in the addReference call (it is smart
enough to use ImageRendererJ3D when applicable, though).  However,
it should be fairly easy to extend FancySSCell to allow for the use
of a DirectManipulationRenderer.  If you decide to do it, let me
know if you need any help.


At 21:14 27-05-01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi together,
>Sorry for using your help once again but I'm working hard to improve my 
>Application and my understanding for visad :-)
>One short question this time. Is it possible to add a DataReferenceImpl to a 
>FancySSCell with a DirectManipulationRender like it is with DisplayImpl? It's 
>also important to leave the other linked DataReferences untouched.
>I hope that was short enough :-)
>Thanks, Mathias

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