Re: does visad have garbage collection


The task of garbage collection is a part if Java language, and thus, any
API written on top of the Java language will have garbage collection. All
dereferenced objects will eventually be collected. Refer to the Java
Language Specification (chapter 12.6) for more info on how it works.

Actually, programmers can only affect garbage collection with the method
calls System.gc() and System.runFinalization(), which tell the Virtual
Machine. You have no way of explicitly deleting an object as you have in

Hope that ansers your question.


                    "chan zhou"                                                 
                    <chan_zhou@hotmail.c        To:     
                    om>                         cc:                             
                    Sent by:                    Subject:     does visad have 
garbage collection                    
                    30/04/2001 02:51                                            


I was wondering if visad have garbage collection? Does it do the garbage
collection automatically or does the programmer have to do the cleaning?

Thank you,

Chan Zhou

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