Re: plotting variable on xy axis


If you have the data (lat, long, values) in a text file, you can also use the
new VisAD TextAdapter to read this file directly;  it will create the
IrregularSet that Bill talked about, and can be used to plot and/or contour the
data values.  Here's what such a file might look like:

#sample file for plotting/contouring data
Latitude, Longitude, temperature[unit=degC]
43, -90, 15
40, -89, 12
39.3, -88, 10

An example (using Jython, although you could use the SpreadSheet, too) that
plots the data:


(you'll need to set the mapping for the temperature to "text" or
"isocontour"...or both...).

You can then also add a basemap using:



Tom Whittaker (tomw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Phone/VoiceMail: 608/262-2759
Fax: 608/262-5974

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