Re: Question about units package...

> > Digging around in the various examples and docs, I have not been able
> > to figure out how to do the equivalent using the Java units package.
> > Can somebody please provide me with a pointer a specific example or
> > tutorial that covers this?
> Regretably, the VisAD units subsystem does not yet contain an equivalent
> of the "valtocal" function.  At the moment, the best advice I can give
> is to use the standard Java date and time-handling classes to do what
> you want (e.g. the "Data" and "Calendar" classes in the "java.util"
> package).

i haven't contributed too many answers to the VisAD mailing list. But i do
know how to use a (simple) timer in Java.  Here's a simple timer class:

public class QuestionTimer {

    private float beginSecond;
    private float endSecond;
    private Calendar timer;

     * constructor
    public QuestionTimer() {

     * @return the Calendar timer object
    private Calendar getTimer() {
        return Calendar.getInstance();  
     * @param a timer object
     * @return TRUE if the set was successful
    private boolean setTimer(Calendar calendar) {
        timer = calendar;
        return true;

     * @return the second when the timer started
    private float getBeginSecond() { return beginSecond; }

     * @param the second when the timer started
    private void setBeginSecond(float minute,
                                float second,
                                float millisecond)  {

        beginSecond = (60 * minute) + (second) + (millisecond/1000);

     * @return the second when the timer ended
    private float getEndSecond() { return endSecond; }
     * @param the second when the timer ended
    private void setEndSecond(float minute,
                              float second,
                              float millisecond) {

        endSecond = (60 * minute) + (second) + (millisecond/1000);

     * Starts the timer running
     * <P>
     * @return TRUE if it's started
    public boolean beginTimer() {

        return true;

     * Ends the timer
     * <P>
     * @return TRUE if it's ended
    public boolean endTimer() {


        return true;
     * @return TRUE if the total time was computed
    private boolean computeTotalTime() {

        System.out.println("QuestionTimer.computeTotalTime(), TOTAL TIME is: "
                           + (getEndSecond() - getBeginSecond()) +
                           " seconds.");
        return true;

-cheers, bob

Robert S Laramee        tel:    (603) 868-1361
9 Woodman Road, #314    office: (603) 862-0350
Durham, NH 03824        URL:

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