Re: [tiggeusers] TIGGE user workshop at Third THORPEX International Science Symposium

NOTE: The tiggeusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

As many of you will have heard, the THORPEX science symposium was postponed 
until September due to the H1N1 flu outbreak. 

As before, we would like to encourage as many as possible users, and potential 
users, of TIGGE data to attend the meeting, and to participate in the TIGGE 
user workshop that will form part of the symposium.  There will also be an 
opportunity to learn about and discuss plans for the development of the planned 
Global Interactive Forecast System. 

A new call for papers has been now issued, inviting additional contributions 
for the rescheduled conference.

Richard Swinbank


CALL FOR PAPERS, 3rd THORPEX International Science Symposium,
Monterey, CA, USA, 14-18 September 2009

Due to the postponement of the meeting from May to September,  the abstract 
submission deadline has been extended until 15 July 2009. The general 
categories of submission are

(1) THORPEX Regional Campaigns and Cross Cutting Research Themes (RCCCRT)
(2) Data Assimilation and Observing Systems (DAOS)
(3) Predictability and Dynamical Processes (PDP)
(4) THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE)
(5) Societal and Economic Research and Applications (SERA)

We welcome new submissions, which will most likely become poster presentations. 
Posters will be highlighted prominently in the meeting and the TTISS will 
expand our poster sessions to accommodate these additional submissions. The 
number of oral slots is limited since we have already received a diverse 
collection of high quality submission and the number of cancellations has been 
relatively small. 
To register for a symposium, submit a paper and/or to make hotel reservation, 
please, go to 
Note that we strongly encourage the participation of graduate students at the 
symposium. The same web page also includes up-to-date information on the 
symposium including a provisional agenda compiled from papers submitted for the 
earlier deadline. Note that if your abstract has already been accepted for oral 
or poster presentation, it will be included in the September programme in the 
same session where it was scheduled for May. 
Finally a note for US participants. We expect to have funding available from 
the National Science Foundation to support the travel of a limited number of 
students at US universities. Priority will be given to those students whose 
research advisor will also attend and can act as a mentor during the meeting. 
(Further details of this opportunity will be coming soon).

 On behalf of

 Jim Hansen
 Chair of the Organizing Committee


 Istvan Szunyogh
 Programme Chair of the Organizing Committee

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