[thredds] GRIB collection keeps re-scanning, data extraction extremely slow

Dear all,

coming back to my question on NCEP grib aggregation a while back:
John Caron wrote: 

> What you are seeing is the limitations of aggregations. In this
> case, there are 3 different time coordinates in the collection, but
> NcML aggregation can only aggregate on one of them.  You want to use
> feature collections instead. Replace your entire <dataset> element
> with something like: 
> <featureCollection name="myCollectionName" featureType="GRIB" 
> path="grib/NCEP/GFS/etc">
>         <collection 
> spec="/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2013060600/gfs\.t00z\.pgrb2f..$"
>                     dateFormatMark="#prod/gfs.#yyyyMMddHH"  />
>       </featureCollection>

I've finally implemented the GRIB featurecollection, and it seems to
be working.  I can access my grib files (although indexing of the full
ncep ensemble takes a while!) and the data comes out OK.  (timeseries
for a single location, for each ensemble member).

I'm experiencing a problem though: data extraction is extremely slow.
I'm comparing to my old situation where I listed all ensemble member
grib files in a single ncml file.  A data extraction for one location
(all members, for a single 15 day forecast) took 5 minutes in thredds
4.1 with this system.

In the new situation (thredds 4.3), I use a grib feature collection
sorted by directory (forecast cycle).  After half an hour, the
extraction is still not done.  In the featureCollectionScan.log I can
see that thredds keeps scanning all folders: 

> [2013-08-29T12:40:28.786+0000] INFO  
> thredds.inventory.MFileCollectionManager: 2013082618 : was scanned 
> MCollection{name='2013082618', 
> dirName='/output/operational/atmosphere/ncep/gefs/1.0deg/2013082618', 
> wantSubdirs=true, ff=WildcardMatchOnPath{wildcard=null 
> regexp=gefs\..*\.f.*\.grib2$}}

It does this for ALL forecast cycle folders (I have about 20), even
though I am accessing only the 2013082900 directory.  Could anyone
give me tips on how to prevent thredds from continuously re-scanning
the whole directory structure with grib files?

Current setup:

    <featureCollection name="gefs_col" featureType="GRIB" 
      <!-- be specific here with the file selector, other grib2 files may be 
hanging around in the tree -->
                  name="gefs_col_unique" />
      <update startup="true" trigger="allow"/>

This organizes the data the way I want: I get a single url per cycle:

The data comes out the way I want, but as mentioned above it's
_extremely_ slow, likely due to re-scanning of the disk structure.

I don't really need automatic updating, a manual trigger when a new
forecast is downloaded would be ok too.  I would prefer thredds to
scan and index the grib files only once upon a manual trigger.

Any hints on how to improve this?

Kind regards,
     Hein Zelle

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: aggregating GFS data, problem with accumulated (Hein Zelle)
>    2. Re: aggregating GFS data, problem with accumulated (John Caron)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 11:30:36 +0200
> From: Hein Zelle <hein.zelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [thredds] aggregating GFS data, problem with accumulated
> Message-ID: <20130606093035.GA17727@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Dear John,
> attached to this email is a complete ncml file that we place next to
> the data files.  The data files themselves are too big to upload, but
> they are standard gfs grib2 files, you can find them at
> ftp://ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2013060600
> (that's for this morning, modify the date as needed)
> The files are the grib2 files at 0.5 degree, e.g.  gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf30
> (50 mb each).
> The previous snippet of ncml I sent should also work, you'll have to modify
> the paths to the correct folder of course.  A variable to check is for
> example 
> Total_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation
> These should have multiple time steps, but I get only 1 time step (the
> first, for the +03 forecast). The +00 analysis doesn't contain the
> precipitation fields.  Any variable with an accumulation or averaging
> interval exhibits the problem.
> Kind regards,
>      Hein Zelle


Dr. Hein Zelle
Senior consultant meteorology & oceanography

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