Re: [thredds] CFRadial Radar Format


I pulled down a sample CFRadial file from the web page you listed, and I was able to open the file and view the data using the Integrated Data Viewer (IDV). You can launch the IDV by clicking the "Click here to launch the IDV" link on this web page:

After you launch the IDV, you will need to go to the Data Choosers Tab and select a Data Source Type. To do this, open the drop down box that says "I'm Feeling Lucky" and select "Radar files (NEXRAD/DORADE/UF)". Select your file from the file list below the Data Source Type box and click "Add Source". Next, open the "Field Selector" tab and choose the Field and Display you would like. Finally, click "Create Display" to generate your image of the data.

I hope this helps, please feel free to follow up with more questions should you need.

  Lansing Madry
  Boulder, Colorado

On 7/10/2013 2:36 PM, MNETO (gmail) wrote:
Hello Thredds Folks,

Anybody would know to talk me if there is some project to work with data in CFRadial (

The thredds can read the radar data in this format, but it's can't work to WMS protocol (visualization).


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