Re: [thredds] Catalogs

Hi Martin:

Can you describe a little more about your data (formats, how the data are 
arranged in the files etc etc), where the data are stored, which services you 
want to be available, and the level of security you are after?

If you can't get the help you need by email, if you have a way to VPN into your 
computer and are willing to come to Pacifc Grove for a day, we could help you 
get started.

On Oct 31, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Martin Leach wrote:

> I have installed thredds for the first time and am not a computer scientist. 
> I am going around in circles with the catalog.xml, the threddsConfig.xml and 
> the server.xml.
> Basically what I would like to do is access to data that is in 
> tomcat is installed on 
> /e/tds/apache-tomcat-7.0.28/.
> I think I can proceed if I can get started. I have been studying your primer 
> and tutorial, but most of the examples point to unidata machines. I am not 
> sure if I am supposed to point there, or what to change to on mine. 
> Any help would be much appreciated. 
> Marty Leach
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Roy Mendelssohn
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Environmental Research Division
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"From those who have been given much, much will be expected" 
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