Re: [thredds] Pb between OpenDap and THREDDS when netcdf file are modifed


Did you receive the follow mail. I sent you before I subscript to the mailing 
list so ...


Ing. Claude DEROGNAT, PhD
8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http : 
 Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur l'environnement, et 
dans la mesure du possible éditez les documents en recto verso, merci!

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Claude DEROGNAT 
Envoyé : mardi 21 février 2012 17:24
À : 'thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Objet : Pb between OpenDap and THREDDS when netcdf file are modifed


I have used OpenDap and THREDDS server to provide netcdf data since à long time.
I currently develop a system that will model plumes in real time.
The model runs every 30 minutes. At the beginning of each day, it creates a 
result file then every 30 minutes the result file is overwritten with a new one 
containing the additional time frame.

I observed a strange behavior between Opendap and THREDDS in this case:
        - The file is continuously updated in the OpenDap server. 
        - The THREDDS catalog notices in the 'Dates' field that the file is 
updated (modified) 
        - but the Access/OpenDap target file are not modified and the available 
time frame stay the same since the last tomcat reboot. May I have to perform 
any modification in the thredds  configuration ? A attached you my 
threddsConfig.xml file...


Ing. Claude DEROGNAT, PhD
8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http : 
 Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur l'environnement, et 
dans la mesure du possible éditez les documents en recto verso, merci!

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Nathan Potter [mailto:ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Envoyé : mardi 21 février 2012 17:02
Cc : Nathan Potter; Nathan Potter; support@xxxxxxxxxxx; Patrick West
Objet : Re: OLFS and/or BES configuration to obtain a dynamic refresh of 
existing files ...


It would appear that you are using the THREDDS Data Server (TDS). I say this 
because the configuration file that you attached is unique to the TDS and is 
not a part of Hyrax. The TDS is a UNIDATA product and I think that they would 
be better positioned to answer your questions regarding this, you xan reach 
them here: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

If you are pretty sure that you are trying to use Hyrax then I think we may 
have entered a twilight zone where parts of the two servers are being mashed up 
into one...

Can you confirm which server software you are attempting to configure and use?



On Feb 21, 2012, at 5:03 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:

> HI, 
> Sorry for the delay of my answer but I had to deal with another huge project.
> My system will be dedicated to real time plume modeling.
> The model runs every 30 minutes. At the beginning of each day, it creates a 
> result file then every 30 minutes the result file is overwritten with a new 
> one containing the additional time frame.
> I observed à strange behavior between Opendap and thredds.
> The file is continuously updated in the OpenDap server.
> The threeds catalog notices in the 'Dates' field that the file are updates 
> but the Access/OpenDap target file are not updated. The available time 
> doesn't be continuously updated. May I have to perform any modification in 
> the thredds  configuration ? A attached you my threddsConfig.xml file...
> Regards       
> Ing. Claude DEROGNAT, PhD
> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http : 
>  Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur l'environnement, 
> et dans la mesure du possible éditez les documents en recto verso, merci!
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Nathan Potter [mailto:npotter@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Envoyé : mardi 11 octobre 2011 19:31
> À : Claude DEROGNAT; support@xxxxxxxxxxx support
> Cc : Nathan Potter; Patrick West
> Objet : Re: OLFS and/or BES configuration to obtain a dynamic refresh of 
> existing files ...
> On Oct 11, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> With a correct title it should be better.
>> Regards,
>> ...
>> Dear all,
>> I have a question about OpenDap functionality.
>> Is-it possible to configure OLFS and/or BES to obtain a dynamic 
>> refresh of existing files.
> If your model is writing to files that are within the scope of the 
> BES.Catalog.catalog.RootDirectory, then Hyrax will just pick up the changes 
> in the filesystem and refresh it's output. Little of that is cached, and if 
> it is, it's triggered to refresh by a change in a files last modified time.
> If writing your model output into the
> BES.Catalog.catalog.RootDirectory doesn't work you might be able to use disk 
> mounts and soft links to achieve what you want.
> But I have a feeling James and I haven't answered quite the question you were 
> asking. The fact that James's earlier reply didn't help makes me think that 
> repeating his point in more detail probably didn't either.
> - Are you perhaps wanting to define aggregations for a periodically changing 
> file set? So that the aggregation definition always reflects the current 
> state of the model?
> - Are you talking about automatically updating thredds catalog metadata for 
> aggregations?
> - Updating NcML definitions of aggregations to reflect the new changing model 
> results?
>> I performed daily forecast of 48h and used Opendap to provide model 
>> results to partners.
>> Thank to assimilation each 30 minutes, I want to
>>      - add a new time frame on an existing file
> Your model can just write to the file within the scope of 
> BES.Catalog.catalog.RootDirectory. Hyrax will see that the last- modified 
> time of the file has changed.
>>      - replace (modified) some fields stored few hours ago.
> Again, I think this is just your model writing to files that are within the 
> scope of BES.Catalog.catalog.RootDirectory
>> Is-is possible ?
>> Regards,
>> Ing. Claude DEROGNAT, PhD
>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur  
>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez les documents  
>> en recto verso, merci!
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Nathan Potter [mailto:ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Envoyé : vendredi 18 septembre 2009 18:14
>> À : Patrick West
>> Cc : Nathan Potter; Claude DEROGNAT; support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> Objet : [SPAM?] Re: [Support] Bad Request 400 after a complete re- 
>> installation ....
>> Claude,
>> The OLFS relies on Tomcat's built in authentication mechanism. REad
>> this section:
>> Of our documents for more information on that, although you will need
>> to read the Tomcat documentation to get it sorted out. You can connect
>> the authentication service to an LDAP server (using the JNDIRealm) if
>> you wish, or you could use the example "MemoryRealm" if all you want
>> is something simple but not as secure as LDAP.
>> Nathan
>> On Sep 18, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Patrick West wrote:
>>> On Sep 18, 2009, at 5:38 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>> Patrick,
>>>> Thank you very much for your help ... Thank also Nathan and all the
>>>> opendap support !!!!
>>>> I never success without your help !!!!
>>> Glad we could help. We are always working to make the installs
>>> easier, and have formed a working group around the issue.
>>>> the configuration similar to is perfect for
>>>> my application.
>>>> A last question ... the last I promise ;-))).
>>>> I didn't find simple way to introduce "authentication" to restrict
>>>> access to the opendap (OLFS) server.
>>>> You look very familiar with tomcat. Do you know simple way to only
>>>> introduce one (or more) login/password in the tomcat server access.
>>>> I have in mind something similar to ftp access : http://login:password@IP
>>>> :port .
>>> I'm not sure about this last part, whether the OLFS supports this,
>>> can get the username and password and do anything with it. Nathan?
>>> Patrick
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur
>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez les documents
>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>> De : Patrick West [mailto:pwest@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>> Envoyé : jeudi 17 septembre 2009 19:38
>>>> À : Nathan Potter
>>>> Cc : Claude DEROGNAT; support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Objet : Re: [Support] Bad Request 400 after a complete re-
>>>> installation ....
>>>> For one of our projects here, actually two of them, we have a  
>>>> default
>>>> context. We set this in the server.xml file, before the closing Host
>>>> tag:
>>>>        <Context docBase="opendap" path="" reloadable="true"
>>>> source="org.eclipse.j    st.j2ee.server:opendap"/>
>>>> </Host>
>>>> And, if you don't want to have to use :8080 when going to the  
>>>> server,
>>>> and you don't already have an apache server running, you can use  
>>>> this
>>>> in your server.xml file.
>>>> <Connector port="80" address="" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>>>>             connectionTimeout="20000"
>>>>             useIPVHosts="true" redirectPort="443" />
>>>> This configuration gives us, where we serve
>>>> some sample data.
>>>> Might need to change this in other locations as well (port 80 for  
>>>> the
>>>> port tomcat listens on, and 443 for ssl connections.)
>>>> But if you have apache running, then this last part won't work,
>>>> unless
>>>> you change the apache port to something other than 80. There is a  
>>>> way
>>>> to redirect in httpd.conf, but I'm not sure how to do that.
>>>> In our case, we have one machine with three different IP addresses,
>>>> each one with either an apache server or tomcat server running, each
>>>> listening on port 80 for that IP address, which is why we specify  
>>>> the
>>>> address in the Connector.
>>>> Patrick
>>>> On Sep 17, 2009, at 12:58 PM, Nathan Potter wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 17, 2009, at 9:23 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>> Nathan,
>>>>>> Thank you for your help.
>>>>>> But your mail induces additional questions ...
>>>>>> How do you configure Tomcat to use Hyrax (running in
>>>>>> it's context of "opendap") as the "default" servlet ?
>>>>> At this point I would have to go read through the Tomcat
>>>>> documentation in order to answer your question.
>>>>> I think the answer is on this page:
>>>>> But I haven't tried this and I have no idea if it's actually
>>>>> possible (or even advisable...)
>>>>>> I tried to couple Tomcat with Apache:
>>>>>> NC Services (link to BES) work properly but I lost the most part  
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the layout: (no logo, no blue horizontal bar, not link to
>>>>>> documentation...).
>>>>> Did you read the section in the Hyrax documentation on integrating
>>>>> Hyrax with Apache??
>>>>> I know people have done this and they have been able to make all of
>>>>> it work.
>>>>>> What's why, I tried to deploy OLFS on the "default" Tomcat URL 
>>>>>> (http://IP:8080
>>>>>> ) and NAT the external IP adresse to the LAN IP(:8080) of my
>>>>>> OpenDap sever. Any idea about that ?
>>>>> That's always worked for me.
>>>>> I just set up the firewall so that all requests sent to  http://
>>>>> WAN_ADDRESS:80 are forwarded to  http://NAT_ADDRESS:8080
>>>>> I hope that helps,
>>>>> Nathan
>>>>>> I tried to use absolute path in the index.html file but the result
>>>>>> is not better.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> K'
>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur
>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez les
>>>>>> documents
>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>>>> De : Nathan Potter [mailto:ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>> Envoyé : jeudi 17 septembre 2009 18:02
>>>>>> À : Claude DEROGNAT
>>>>>> Cc : Nathan Potter; support@xxxxxxxxxxx support
>>>>>> Objet : Re: Bad Request 400 after a complete re-installation ....
>>>>>> Claude,
>>>>>> I don't know if it's possible to change the context for the OLFS  
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> this time. I have never attempt to use anything other than the
>>>>>> default
>>>>>> Context configuration. I just read this page: 
>>>>>> and from what I can see using the context.xml file allows you to
>>>>>> modify properties of the Context, but not to change the "context
>>>>>> path".
>>>>>> The only way I know to achieve your goal would be to replace the
>>>>>> "ROOT" context ($CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT) with the opendap web
>>>>>> application. However, I am afraid that would not produce the
>>>>>> desired
>>>>>> result because the context name "opendap" may be baked into the
>>>>>> code
>>>>>> in several places. In other words the context name for the OLFS is
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> dynamically discovered at run time throughout the code base. This
>>>>>> issue has come up in another discussion recently and I think it  
>>>>>> may
>>>>>> well qualify as a bug.
>>>>>> Having said all that, many of our users couple Tomcat (running
>>>>>> Hyrax)
>>>>>> to their existing Apache server using mod_rewrite and mod_proxy.
>>>>>> This
>>>>>> allows them to map Hyrax into their Apache URL space as they see
>>>>>> fit.
>>>>>> It may also be possible to configure Tomcat to use Hyrax (running
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> it's context of "opendap") as the "default" servlet, I haven't
>>>>>> tried
>>>>>> to do that either.
>>>>>> I don''t know how much more help I can offer in the short term  
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> this issue.
>>>>>> Anybody else have know how to help Claude??
>>>>>> Nathan
>>>>>> On Sep 17, 2009, at 1:23 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> May the creater has idea to deploy the http://IP:8080/opendap  
>>>>>>> on http://IP:8080/
>>>>>>> I try to modify the context.xml file. Replace the standard one
>>>>>>> by :
>>>>>>> •       <Context path="" docBase="opendap" debug="0"
>>>>>>> reloadable="true">
>>>>>>> </Context>
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> •       <Context path="" docBase="="/opt/tomcat/webaaps/opendap"
>>>>>>> debug="0" reloadable="true">
>>>>>>> </Context>
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> •       <Context path="" docBase="=" opendap.war" debug="0"
>>>>>>> reloadable="true">
>>>>>>> </Context>
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> •       <Context path="" docBase="="/opt/tomcat/webaaps/opendap.war"
>>>>>>> debug="0" reloadable="true">
>>>>>>> </Context>
>>>>>>> But no way ... Any idea ?
>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur
>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez les
>>>>>>> documents
>>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>>>>> De : Nathan Potter [mailto:ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>> Envoyé : samedi 12 septembre 2009 17:32
>>>>>>> À : Claude DEROGNAT
>>>>>>> Cc : Nathan Potter; Patrick West; support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> Objet : Re: Bad Request 400 after a complete re-installation ....
>>>>>>> On Sep 12, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> My OpenDap is running now... Thank you very much for your
>>>>>>>> help ...
>>>>>>> Does this mean you have it all working? The OLFS is cooperating
>>>>>>> too??
>>>>>>>> Last questions, you may be know apache-tomcat better than me.
>>>>>>>> -1-
>>>>>>>> Do you know if it's possible to put the Opendap server (tomcat)
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> the default apache page.
>>>>>>>> At present time, I link apache and tomcat through a "local" DNS
>>>>>>>> name.
>>>>>>>> If the user make the correspondence of the public IP of my  
>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>> and the "local" DNS opendap-aria in his host file,
>>>>>>>> http://opendap-aria ; directly open the web client on the  
>>>>>>>> Opendap
>>>>>>>> server.
>>>>>>> We have a documentation section on integrating with Apache here:
>>>>>>>> -2-
>>>>>>>> Do you know how to introduce login/passwd identification for the
>>>>>>>> connexion to openDap server ?
>>>>>>> It is done using Tomcat's built in authentication system Again,
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> our documentation site:
>>>>>>> Nathan
>>>>>>>> Thank's a lot ...
>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à l'impact sur
>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez les
>>>>>>>> documents
>>>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>>>>>> De : Patrick West [mailto:pwest@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>> Envoyé : vendredi 11 septembre 2009 22:10
>>>>>>>> À : Nathan Potter
>>>>>>>> Cc : Claude DEROGNAT; support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>> Objet : Re: Bad Request 400 after a complete re- 
>>>>>>>> installation ....
>>>>>>>> Correct.
>>>>>>>> On Sep 11, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Nathan Potter wrote:
>>>>>>>>> So Patrick, I think you're saying he needs:
>>>>>>>>> BES.modules=dap,dapcmd,usage,ascii,www,nc
>>>>>>>>> BES.module.dap=//usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>> BES.module.dapcmd=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>> BES.module.usage=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>> BES.module.ascii=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>> BES.module.www=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>> At a minimum, correct??
>>>>>>>>> On Sep 11, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Patrick West wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> You need dap, dapcmd, usage, ascii, and www in order to use  
>>>>>>>>>> nc.
>>>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 11, 2009, at 3:40 PM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I will work on The bes server tomorrow morning and because
>>>>>>>>>>> i'am
>>>>>>>>>>> off on monday. If I understand correctly i have to intall The
>>>>>>>>>>> following modules :
>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.dapcmd=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.usage=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.ascii=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.www=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>> Before restarting The bes server ...
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your help ...
>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé de mon iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>> Le 11 sept. 2009 à 20:18, "Patrick West" <pwest@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>> In order to use the netcdf module in the BES you must also
>>>>>>>>>>>> include the dap module and the dap command module. And if  
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> want to use the OLFS you must also have the three dap-server
>>>>>>>>>>>> modules. Your bes.conf file for this should look something
>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.modules=dap,dapcmd,usage,ascii,www,nc
>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.dap=//usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.dapcmd=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.usage=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.ascii=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.www=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>>> The netcdf module is registering with the BES the fact that
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> can handle dap requests. But the dap module has not been
>>>>>>>>>>>> loaded,
>>>>>>>>>>>> so this registration fails. When the dap module is loaded it
>>>>>>>>>>>> tells the BES that it has services available called dap
>>>>>>>>>>>> services.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As for the OLFS issue of loading the log4j.xml, I'm not sure
>>>>>>>>>>>> about that. I'll have to let Nathan handle that one.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 11, 2009, at 11:55 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If I only focus on netcdf file format following the  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> attached
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bes.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.modules=nc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The bes server failed ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES install directory: /usr/local
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES configuration file: /usr/local/etc/bes/bes.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting the BES
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caught plugin exception during initialization of nc module:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Registering a handler to handle service dap that has not  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>>>>>>>> been registered
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BESBaseApp::initialize - failed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/besdaemon: server cannot start, exited with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> status 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please check all error messages and adjust server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> FAILED: The BES daemon did not appear to start
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Registering means ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any idea ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when I attivate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dap and Netcdf:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.modules=dap,nc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.dap=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> No error message appears ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But the same message this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.modules=nc,dap
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES.module.dap=/usr/local/lib/bes/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===|:-$
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sur
>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez les
>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> De : Claude DEROGNAT
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé : vendredi 11 septembre 2009 16:40
>>>>>>>>>>>>> À : 'Nathan Potter'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objet : Bad Request 400 after a complete re-
>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation ....
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I completely re-install my server (with English language  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> French keyboard).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bes looks ok ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tomcat also ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I enter http://serverIP:8080 in my web client ==> It
>>>>>>>>>>>>> display the apache tomcat home page.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I enter http://serverIP:8080/opendap web client ==> It
>>>>>>>>>>>>> display a blank page.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And When I enter http://serverIP:8080/opendap/data in my  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> web
>>>>>>>>>>>>> client ==> It display strange logo : Poorly formed DAP
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Request
>>>>>>>>>>>>> URL with Hyrax : Bad Request (400) .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I attached you the catalina.out and my bes.conf.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sense better ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is-it more convenient for to have direct access to my  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> through ssh connection ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sur
>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez les
>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> De : Nathan Potter [mailto:ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé : jeudi 10 septembre 2009 20:55
>>>>>>>>>>>>> À : Nathan Potter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc : Claude DEROGNAT; OPENDAP support
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objet : Re: [Support] BES : make check failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have no idea how to fix this problem. I've spent more  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hour
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on your system and it's very difficult (as I don't speak or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> read
>>>>>>>>>>>>> French) to see what's happening. In addition, it appears
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the use
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of port 8080 is restricted to root. I would rather not go  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the bash profile information for root (although I did
>>>>>>>>>>>>> already ad
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CATALINA_HOME).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried bringing in a fresh copy of Tomcat to no avail, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>> error (along with something about 8080):
>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFO: Déploiement de l'archive opendap.war de  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'application
>>>>>>>>>>>>> web
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10-sep-09 8:52:53  org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processTlds
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEVERE: Error reading tld listeners
>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI "file:./" is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hierarchical
>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI "file:./" is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hierarchical
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at<init>(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.startup.TldConfig.getJarPaths(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 695)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig.execute(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 277)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .core.StandardContext.processTlds(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4428)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4235)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 791)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 771)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 525)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 825)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWARs(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 714)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 490)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1138)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 311)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .util
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 117)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1053)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 719)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1045)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 443)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.StandardService.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 516)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 710)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 566)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 288)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 413)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (opendap.coreServlet.DocServlet).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ** DebugOn **
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +++PerfLog.initLogging()
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +++PerfLog.initLogging() - Log4j configuration using: / 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> home/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> npotter/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomcat/webapps/opendapWEB-INF/log4j.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> log4j:ERROR Could not open [/home/npotter/tomcat/webapps/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> opendapWEB-
>>>>>>>>>>>>> INF/log4j.xml].
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/npotter/tomcat/ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> webapps/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> opendapWEB-
>>>>>>>>>>>>> INF/log4j.xml (Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notice that it is omitting the "/" caharacter in the path  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it needs to open:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/npotter/tomcat/webapps/opendapWEB-INF/log4j.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should be:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/npotter/tomcat/webapps/opendap/WEB-INF/log4j.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am really perplexed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> NAthan
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Nathan Potter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I used the credentials you sent and the problem appears
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unusual. When Tomcat starts up it complains about:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEVERE: Error processing TLD files for context path /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opendap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI "file:./" is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hierarchical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at<init>(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is the JAVA_HOME for that system?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nathan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nathan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A put my server on the dmz and open you an ssh connexion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you want to have a look (sudo is also activated to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modification) directly on the server : .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bes is installed on /usr/local and tomcat on /opt/tomcat.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your temporary login/passwd is************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS: Have you got an idea to directly open OPENDAP  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Tomcat)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apache. I defined a specific DNS : opendap_aria.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you associate it in your host file to the server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ( It will open our the OPENDAP/data page.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ARIA TECHNOLOGIES SA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> les
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> De : Nathan Potter [mailto:ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé : mercredi 2 septembre 2009 18:15
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> À : Patrick West
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc : Nathan Potter; Claude DEROGNAT; OPENDAP support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objet : Re: [Support] BES : make check failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should not need to build the OLFS. The binary Web
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Archive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (.war)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file is all that is required. AS Patrick indicated, just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follow the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instructions found here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And in particular for the OLFS:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _OLFS_Installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That should do it. Remeber the BES needs to be running  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correctly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configured for the OLFS to work correctly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nathan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 2, 2009, at 9:01 AM, Patrick West wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It might not be necessary to build OLFS. You could just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the .war file under tomcat and that would be enough. I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> copying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nathan Potter in on this one, as he is the OLFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> developer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read the instructions under Binaries on this page: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where it says OLFS web archive file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also ... when you installed the modules (dap-server and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> netcdf_handler), did you run 'make bes-conf'? I want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you did this so that the BES knows to load these  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modules.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 2, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I built and installed bes and netcdf_handler projects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> launch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the beslistener (besctl start).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Following the OpenDap instruction, I tried to Installed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OLFS. As
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the beginning, I downloaded the sources and try to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OLFS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I check out the sources (svn co MailScanner has
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraud attempt from "scm.opendap.org90" claiming to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But when try to build it (ant server) I failed and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don’t
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> … I tried to installed many java library but It still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BUILD FAILED
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/lenvis/OLFS/olfs-1.5.0-beta2-src/build.xml:291:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Compile
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed; see the compiler error output for details.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and log file (attached)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any idea ? may I need to install additional library ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ARIA TECHNOLOGIES SA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> les
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> De : Patrick West [mailto:pwest@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé : mardi 1 septembre 2009 19:37
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> À : Claude DEROGNAT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objet : Re: [Support] BES : make check failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well ... first things first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> libdap module. Are you wanting the libdap  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> functionality?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I.E. DAP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> response objects DAS, DDS, DDX, etc... I'm guessing  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when accessing your data. If that's the case, then yes,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> libdap and then rebuilding bes works, as you already
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discovered.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dap_module will only be built in the BES if libdap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed. If you didn't want libdap, then just editing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bes.conf file and removing the dap_module and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dap_xml_module
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have fixed your problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, for getting the BES to run, yes, reading the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manual is the next step. But I think that the only  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to do is edit the bes.conf file and set the group
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user name of the user that will be running the BES. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> systems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people create a bes user and group (no login and  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> limited
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> access to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the system). That user would need access to /usr/local/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> var/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bes and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where ever you write the bes.log file, which defaults
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to ./
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (we're changing this).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once you set the user and group, you should at least be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the bes using besctl.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once you've configured the BES and have it running, you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by running bescmdln:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bescmdln -h localhost -p 10002
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You will get a prompt to enter BES commands. Try this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> show version;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't forget the semicolon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once you have the BES tested, you'll probably want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data handler modules. What kind of data are you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanting to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serve?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> netcdf? hdf4? hdf5? freeform? The next step would be to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of these modules.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let's get the BES running and tested and go from there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After the installation libdap-3.9.2  and the re-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bes-3.7.2 (.configure ; make ; make install)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The error message look RTCM (read the configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manual) ;-) :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES install directory: /usr/local
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BES configuration file: /usr/local/etc/bes/bes.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting the BES
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FAILED: Group group_name does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/besdaemon: server cannot start, exited
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please check all error messages and adjust server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FAILED: The BES daemon did not appear to start
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you think the next step is the installation of OLFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration of BES ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks and sorry for the previous mail ;-$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K’
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ARIA TECHNOLOGIES SA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> les
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> De : Patrick West [mailto:pwest@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé : mardi 1 septembre 2009 17:59
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> À : Claude DEROGNAT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objet : Re: [Support] BES : make check failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It appears as if all the tests are succeeding,  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message appears to be getting dumped to stderr, which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> redirected to check.out file. According to the  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check.out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you sent me, all tests pass. So I think we can ignore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "failed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to build tokenizer for translation" error message.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you continue to have problems with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The “> chek.out” makes appear a problem with bz2  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change a flag in the config.h.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have now another problem:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lenvis@rome2:~/BES/bes-3.7.2$ sudo make check >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check.out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cedar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed to build tokenizer for translation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parse error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The request must be terminated by a semicolon (;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Invalid command unknown
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no such command: set unkown
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Entity: line 1: parser error : Opening and ending tag
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mismatch:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> root line 1 and somethingelse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding="UTF-8"?><root a1="v1" a2="v2" a3="v3">Not  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> formed</
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somethingelse>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I attached you the right file ;-).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ARIA TECHNOLOGIES SA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> les
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> De : Patrick West [mailto:pwest@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé : mardi 1 septembre 2009 17:09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> À : Claude DEROGNAT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc : support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objet : Re: [Support] BES : make check failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you may have attached the wrong file for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log? The file contains only one line. Could you run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check.out' and send me check.out? Also ... what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the BES
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did you just install? I'm guessing the latest, 3.7.2,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to make sure.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Claude DEROGNAT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I try to install OPENDAP on the Linux Debian Core
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (2.6.18-5-686).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I started with BES.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make is successful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make check failed with the following message:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ====================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 of 26 tests failed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please report to support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ====================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[3]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lenvis/BES/bes-3.7.2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dispatch/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unit-tests'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[2]: *** [check-am] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/lenvis/BES/bes-3.7.2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dispatch/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unit-tests'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lenvis/BES/bes-3.7.2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dispatch'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also attached the full screen log.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claude Derognat • Ingénieur R&D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ARIA TECHNOLOGIES SA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-mail: cderognat@xxxxxxx - http :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, réfléchissez à
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> l'environnement, et dans la mesure du possible éditez
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> les
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> en recto verso, merci!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <see_make_check>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Support mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <check.out>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <build.out>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = = =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = = =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
>>>>>>>>>>>>> = = =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <catalina.out><bes.conf>
>>>>>>>>> = = =
>>>>>>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>>>>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
>>>>>>> = = =
>>>>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
>>>>>> = = =
>>>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
>>>>> = = =
>>>>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>>>>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Support mailing list
>>>>> Support@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> = = =
>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
> = = =
> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
> <threddsConfig.xml>

= = =
Nathan Potter                        ndp at
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317

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