[thredds] 4.2 WMS troubles

John and All,

We are seeing some WMS issues moving from 4.1 to 4.2.  Specifically:

1.  A black image (no data I assume) is being returned for the entire
spatial domain of our datasets.
2.  There are way significantly fewer available projections in
GetCapabilities for 4.2 versus 4.1  (as in 6 versus several hundred in 4.1)
3.  GetLegendGraphic requests yield HTTP 500 errors - Internal Server Error
4.  Interestingly, GetFeatureInfo requests seem to work fine ...
returning data for a particular point properly.

Any thoughts on where we might have gone wrong?

- Mike Grogan and Phil Cogbill

D. Michael Grogan
STG, Inc.
NOMADS / Lead NCMP Systems Engineer
Climate Services and Monitoring Division
Data Access & Applications Branch
National Climatic Data Center
Phone: (828) 271-4680 
Fax: (828) 271-4876 
Mobile: (865) 235-1364

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