Re: [thredds] Catalog Validation

Hi Nathan,

Actually, both types ("dataType" and "dataFormat") can contain any
string ("xsd:token"). The enumerated lists are just the current well
known values.

The XML Schema is a bit odd and not particularly obvious. Both types are
unions of "xsd:token" and a type that is a restriction of "xsd:token".

Best practice would be to omit if unknown. If known, decide on a string
to represent it and be consistent with that string. We are open to
adding values to the list.


On 2/12/2010 10:09 AM, Nathan Potter wrote:
> Thanks Ethan! That's Exactly what I needed!
> The validation output from my catalog contains 2 warnings (repeated
> numerous times):
> ** warning: non-standard data type = unknown
> ** warning: non-standard dataFormat type = unknown
> **Warning: Dataset (data/nc/ is selectable but no data type
> declared in it or in a parent element
> **Warning: Dataset (data/nc/
> is selectable but no data type declared in it or in a parent element
> The dataType and dataFormat types both use restricted vocabularies, but
> neither offer an option for "unknown". In our service the source
> dataFormat may not be known (it is simply a DAP type).
> Is it better to omit these two metadata tags if their values are either
> not known or not on the list of accepted values?
> What's the best practice here?
> N
> On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:47 PM, Ethan Davis wrote:
>> Hi Nathan,
>> Here's the reference doc for TDS 4.x:
>> And here's a validation URL that works for your catalog:
>> Ethan
>> On 2/9/2010 3:12 PM, Nathan Potter wrote:
>>> Ethan,
>>> I want to validate the THREDDS catalog output of my server.
>>> I looked here:
>>> And I tried this:
>>> Which returned an HTML presentation of the catalog but no debugging
>>> information. At this point I am guessing that any debugging output for
>>> my catalog is living in the TDS output logs on
>>> Is there another validation service that returns more information that I
>>> might use? Or is the solution for me to run my own TDS and use it to
>>> validate catalogs from my THREDDS service?
> = = =
> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317

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