Re: Java heap space

Hi Pauline

Pauline Mak wrote:
Hi Roy,

I've attached the text output to the email.  I'm a bit surprised by the
number of processes that tomcat uses.

We don't use jsvc so I'm not sure about all the processes. From the jsvc page ( in the "How Jsvc works" section, it sounds like there should only be three processes (launcher, controller, controlled) but I do notice from the process IDs that you have three processes and all the rest are children of the third (controlled, in the jsvc lingo) process.

I'm not sure how having multiple processes play into setting the heap space options I mentioned earlier. But I do see from the same jsvc page that you can call jsvc with "-jvm server" as well as the "-Xmx" and "-Xms" options. I'm curious what the default runs like.

If you get remote management running, from the debug page (http://server/thredds/debug), the "Show Runtime info" page displays current memory usage and such, the "Show Server info" shows the system properties, "" will tell you which VM you are using, for instance, the value on our server is "Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM" .

Does anyone on the list know much about jsvc or defaults on the above options? Or how to tune those settings when using jsvc?


Ethan R. Davis                                Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000             

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