Re: metadata question

Hi Ethan,

On May 18, 2006, at 12:53 PM, Ethan Davis wrote:

Hi Bruce,
One problem is that your catalog is not valid according to the InvCatalog schema. The TDS is pretty lenient when reading catalogs so I don't think any of this is causing the problem you are seeing. But here are the details. Just a few changes fix it. At the catalog level, service elements must come before dataset elements. The datasetRoot element needs a location attribute instead of a dirLocation attribute (either is allowed in datasetScan but not in datasetRoot). Inside of datasets, access elements come after metadata and dataSize elements. Also, metadata elements have to come before dataset elements. I've attached a new version of your catalog that fixes these problems.

Can you try the attached catalog and check for well-formed XML in the linked resource and see how well that works?

I tried the modifications you suggested and got disappointing results. I've posted the errors produced again at http://

Your suggestions bring up a couple of questions regarding the schema:
1. Is it correct that the order in the schema is the _exact_ order they must appear in the XML doc (if they appear of course)? 2. where is the definition for datasetRoot? It doesn't appear to be in the schema. 3. there are some other elements, addDatasetSize for example, that also don't seem to be in the schema.

You could just stick some text and an HTML link into a documentation element:

<documentation>Other related datasets are available in this datasets <a href="???">parent collection</a>.</documentation>

I see your point about the documentation. A description with the additional xhtml anchor tag would probably work well, but I cannot seem to get that to work either. The XML parser fails when it comes across the anchor.

Unfortunately, the server is running on a machine that is not available outside of SSEC. If it would be helpful I can run a service on a machine that is available.

Thanks for your time,

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