difference in new XML standard

Hi, I'm hoping John or someone else can answer this.

I'm trying to get my old urls to look as much alike as possible as before when 
using aggregation in the catalog file, and migrating from the 0.6 
xml-standard to 1.0.1. (thredds 2.0b to 3.6)

My old service-tag looked like this:
<service name="TOPAZ" serviceType="OpenDAP" 
which made the url look like this:

My new xml-file I today noticed makes a url like this(not online yet):
(notice the 'topaz')

The service tag that makes such links look like this:
  <service name="TOPAZ" serviceType="OpenDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/">
   <datasetRoot path="topaz" 

I've tried setting the path to "", "/" and ".", but none of them work.

Should I consider this a lost case, or is there some way to get the old url 

Bjørge Solli - Office:+47 55205847 cellph.:+47 91614343
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center - Bergen, Norway
http://www.nersc.no Reception: +47 55205800
Dept.: Mohn-Sverdrup Center for Global Ocean Studies 
       and Operational Oceanography

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