Re: THREDDS source code

It is open source, but for now, im paranoid that i have left some security hole 
in it that someone could find by reading the source. So we are not putting the 
source to be downloaded publically, but will send it to trusted collaborators.

James Gallagher wrote:
I thought THREDDS was open source...

Can you elaborate on 'security reasons?'


On Dec 20, 2005, at 1:36 PM, John Caron wrote:

Hi Antonio:

We are not making it publically available for security reasons. If you have need of it, and are with a scientific institution or university, please contact me privately.

John Caron

Antonio S. Cofiño wrote:

can be posible to get the source code of THREDDS 3.4 and 3.5?
Kind Regards
Antonio S. Cofiño
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