Newbie problems with catalog generator

Hi all,

I'm struggling a bit with the catalog generator -- it's the first time
I've tried to use it. The dods server is running fine, it's just the
generator that's NQR.

I want to serve out all the netCDF files that sit in a particular
directory tree, starting from some particular base. I wrote up a catalog
generator config file, and saved it to disk.

I tried to create a new task using the servlet interface, but I kept
getting permission denied messages for a user with the "manager" role.
Undeterred, I tried to simply edit the config file on disk and restart
the server. The new entry shows up in the interface, but the catalog was
not generated. In fact, there are no catalogs even for the examples
generator files.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the proper steps to be taken to
get this working?


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