Re: Serving local netCDF files though DODS

I believe that Mike McCann is describing a bug in version 1.3 of the Thredds 
server.  I have xml that works fine in version 0.6, but which fails to serve 
NetCDF files in version 1.3, even though the catalog.xml file passes the 
validate test.  Using the automatic translation utility does not help either.
Mike Godin

Yuan wrote:

        McCann, Mike wrote:

                        -----Original Message-----
                        From: Yuan Ho [<mailto:yuanho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>]
                        Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:29 AM
                        To: McCann, Mike
                        Cc: 'thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
                        Subject: Re: Serving local netCDF files though DODS

                        McCann, Mike wrote:


                                I am trying to serve local netCDF files through 
the agg 
                        server and access
                                them through the DODS API.  It is not working.

                        Have you installed a DODS server and link these netCDF 
files to this server? According
                        to this configure file the serviceType is DODS, you 
need a DODS server. AGG server is
                        based on DODS server, hope this will not confuse you.

                Hi Yuan,

                I am running this on a Win2k laptop and am not aware of another 
                netCDF server for this platform. I was lead to believe that the 
dodsC AS would perform the function of a DODS netCDF server.
                Is this not true? How can I serve netCDF files through DODS from
                my laptop?
                This is important for taking this technology on the road for
                presentations at workshops and conferences.
                Regarding confusion, I admit that I am confused by the examples
                presented at:
                Example 6 suggests that the AS can serve local netCDF files as
                DODS data sets.  (Replacing the "..." at the beginning of this 
                snippet with actual tags would be helpful.  Also, it'd be nice
                to be more explicit about the differences between examples 3 
and 6.)
        Ok, so what you need is a netCDF type service. I think your config is 
ok, but you confused
        the dataset name and urlpath, dataset name is only the one you want to 
see on browser, and the
        urlpath need to have the dataset real file name there.


                                Here is the contents of my 
dodsC/catalogConfig.xml file:

                                <!DOCTYPE catalog SYSTEM 
                                <catalog name="THREDDS - DODS Aggregation 
Server Catalog" 
                                <dataset name="AUVCTD mission netCDF files" 
                                <service name="this" serviceType="DODS" 
                                <service name="local" serviceType="NetCDF" 
                                <dataset name="Non-Aggregated Netcdf Files" 
                        dataType="Grid" serviceName="this">
                                <property name="internalService" value="local"/>

                                It validates and passes the debug test, yet 
when I click on 
                        any of the DDS or DAS
                                links I get this in my browser:

                                kDODServlet ERROR: 
                                I don't see any helpful messages in the log 

                                What am I doing wrong? Even some suggestions as 
to how I may do my own debugging 
                        will be helpful.

                                Mike McCann Software Engineer
                                Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
                                7700 Sandholdt Road
                                Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644
                                Voice: (831) 775-1769 Fax: (831) 775-1646 

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