Request for interest in the DLESE Dataset Working Group and DLESE


Attached is a message from Tamara Ledley of TERC to the DLESE DAta Working Group (DAWG) regarding a proposal to the Data Services track of an NSF DLESE RFP. As you will note, the RFP explicitly mentions close interaction with THREDDS among its main objectives. We have been working on that coordination with Tamara who will be the lead PI on the proposal. As she notes, the main thrust of the proposal will be annual workshops over the 3 year period. Each workshop will have a substantial technical component which will provide a venue for continuing the interactions of our first THREDDS Technical Task Force (T3F) meeting with an expanded group of partners. Beyond the technical element, however, the workshops will also enable the T3F members to gather feedback from the people who develop and use educational materials that include data access, analysis, and display.

If you support this initiative and/or would be interested in participating in the workshops, please let us know as soon as possible and include Tamara in the correspondence.

  Ben Domenico                Unidata Acting Director           P.O. Box 3000
  ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              Boulder, CO 80307
  (303)497-8631                    FAX: (303)497-8690

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Data Services

Members of the Dataset Working Group (DAWG) Listserve

There is currently an NSF Program Solicitation to provide core services for
DLESE (  One of the
areas for which a core service is needed is "Data Access Services".  Ben
Domenico, Mike Taber and I are writing a proposal in response to this
solicitation.   This DLESE services project is not for the development of
infrastructure, tools, or educational modules.  It is aimed instead at
services that will ensure that existing activities are actively pursued and
brought to DLESE in an organized manner.  The particular services are to
1.   Ongoing support for an organization of the DAWG
2.   Close interaction with the THREDDS and other like initiatives to
ensure full access via DLESE to data discovery tools developed
3.   Use of the DLESE Resource Cataloger to compile information on existing
4.   Organization of workshops that bring together data providers,
interface providers, and developers of educational resources.

We are interested in determining the interest of the members of the DAWG
listserve in two of these areas: 1.  support for DAWG
(, and 4 Workshops to bring together
data providers, interface providers (builders of tools for analysis and
display of the datasets) and educational resource developers

The DAWG had one meeting in Feb 2001, during which various issues and goals
around using Earth science data in education were discussed.  Through this
project we will facilitate an ongoing discussion of the DAWG and
participate in additional meetings to develop an overview of what has been
accomplished and to update what our goals should be and where our effort
should go.  Please let me know if you would be interested in participating
in this kind of discussion and meeting.

We are also planning to have a large workshop once a year which will bring
together dataset providers, data access and analysis tool developers and
developers of educational resources.  This could be an opportunity for you
to bring the datasets and tools you have developed to an educational
community to receive input on how to best develop them further to
facilitate their use by that community.  Educators will also learn about
your tools and begin to develop ideas of how they would use them to teach
specific Earth science concepts.  If you would be interested in
participating in such a workshop please let me know.  In addition to your
name and organization I would like the name of the tool or dataset that you
would present at the workshop and a few sentences about it.  We will
describe these datasets and tools in the proposals to show the breath of
what is available and how this project might help to enhance them and bring
them to DLESE.

We would appreciate learning of your interest in participating in these
different aspects of the DLESE Data Access Core services as soon as

Tamara Shapiro Ledley
Ben Domenico

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