20031205: Eta Precip

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    With precipitation type forecasting issues affecting more of the
country with each passing week, now is a good time to remind forecasters
of the Eta model precipitation type meteogram site.
This site displays a mini-ensemble of precipitation type forecasts for
over 1000 stations within the Eta domain.  Output is available hourly
from 0 to 60 hours.   For those who have difficulty clicking on the
stars, a bypass option is available in the upper right corner of the
main page.  This site is updated for each 00 and 12Z cycle with output
generally available by 0500Z and 1700Z.

    Each plot contains 4 precipitation type algorithms or related
information from the operational Eta.  (This ensemble is created by
running different post processing on a single model run;  it is not
constructed of mutliple model runs.)   It includes the operational NCEP
algorithm, a revised NCEP algorithm intended to forecast more snow than
the operational algorithm which intentionally underpredicts snow to
predict more freezing rain and sleet, the Ramer algorithm, and the
explicit percentage of frozen precipitation from the microphysics. A
complete explanation of the content can be found at

      Please contact Geoff Manikin at geoffrey.manikin@xxxxxxxx if you
have any questions or if a particular location's data is not updating.

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