20030103: NCEP update-jifmemo: jif_memo_030103 (fwd)

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---------- Forwarded Message ----------

SUBJECT:          Changes to the NWS Production Suite

    On 7 January 2003, the NESDIS GMS-5 water vapor and the IR
winds will no longer be ingested into /dcom on the IBM SP.  These
data are no longer being assimilated by the models.  When this
change occurs the following files in /dcom on the IBM SP will no
longer be populated with GMS-5 data:


   All forecast model systems are now running in real-time
parallel on the CCS.  Final adjustments in the configuration of
the Production Suite are expected to be completed by the end of
January.  Data flow and ingest have been established and
real-time data are being utilized for model initialization.  A
small number of minor data types are still unavailable on the
CCS, but are expected to become available by mid January.  A
final test of the full Production Suite on the CCS is expected to
begin by 27 January.  The test will run for a minimum of 30 days.
At the successful completion of the test period it is anticipated
that the Production Suite will be declared ready for real-time
operations on the CCS.  A number of system configuration changes,
to address minor issues uncovered during parallel testing, will
be tested and implemented during the next two months.  The
moratorium on changes to the Production Suite will continue until
the CCS is fully operational.  More detailed information on when
the CCS can be expected to become operational will be provided as
soon as it becomes available.

    General users were given access to the CCS on Thursday,
December 19.  User account and password information is the same
on the CCS as on the IBM SP.  Migration of user data from the IBM
SP to the CCS was completed on 17 December.  It is the user's
responsibility to migrate any data created on the IBM SP after 17
December.  An on-line user guide for code conversion to the CCS
is available on the NCEP internal WEB server at:


    The guide will be continually updated as new features or
problems with the code conversion are uncovered.  During January
and February user access to the CCS may be interrupted for
testing and minor system configuration changes.  Whenever
possible, prior notice of system downtime or unavailability will
be provided.

    A preliminary list for 2003 can be found at:


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