20021008: Model update

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FROM:             John H. Ward
                 Chief, Production Management Branch

The implementation of the T254 Global Forecast System (GFS)
is scheduled for Tuesday, 29 October.  The T254 GFS requires
approximately 20 additional minutes of wall-clock time than the
current T170 version.  All forecast model products from the GFS,
GFDL, Wave, and ensembles will be available between 20 to 30
minutes later than the current schedule.

    When the next NCEP Central Computer System (CCS) becomes
operational in 2003, the product delivery will return to the
current schedule.  Details of the upcoming change to the GFS can
be found at:


    The transition to the next NCEP CCS is progressing well.  A
log of problems encountered during the code conversion can be
found in /com/logs/ccscodelog on the IBM SP.  Hardware
installation in the Gaithersburg facility has been completed.
Operational codes are expected to be moved to the CCS beginning
next week.  All production codes will be frozen on 8 October as
parallel operations begins to be established on the CCS.  The
moratorium on changes to the production suite can be expected to
extend at least through the normal holiday moratorium period.
Requests for changes to be made prior to the moratorium are no
longer being accepted.  No implementations will be scheduled
during the moratorium, with the exception of the T254 GFS on
29 October and changes required to correct problems encountered
in operations.  More details on the CCS transition and moratorium
will be provided as they become available.

    A list of the major model implementations planned for 2002
can be found at:


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