20020211: model changes-(fwd)

NOTE: The nws-changes mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

SUBJECT:          Changes to the NWS Production Suite

     A series of changes to the NCEP global model are planned for
this Spring.  A tentative date of 5 March 2002 has been set to
increase the forecast length of the global AVN model to 384
hours.  This model currently produces a 126 hour forecast at 00Z
and 12Z and an 84 hour forecast at 06Z and 18Z.

     A tentative date of 2 April 2002 has been set to replace the
00Z MRF model with the 00Z AVN.  Look-alike grids for the MRF
will be created and disseminated from the 00Z AVN.  These look
alike grids will be available until 1 October 2002.

     Finally, in early May the resolution of the NCEP global
model will be increased from T170L42 to T254L64.

     The NCEP quarterly backup test which had been rescheduled
for 14 February 2002 has now been canceled.  A new test date in
March will be announced as soon as it becomes available.

     Item 42, which had been withdrawn at 19Z on 1 February 2002
due to a problem with processing graphics in the new G3 format,
will be re-implemented at 12Z on 12 February 2002.

     On Tuesday, 5 February 2002, NCEP discontinued dissemination
of all its AFOS products.  The production of these products on
the NCEP supercomputer will be discontinued on 12 March 2002.

     On Tuesday, 19 March 2002, changes will be made to the BUFR
data stored on the NCEP supercomputer.  Please see the bottom of
this memo for more information.

     A list of the major model implementations planned for 2002
can be found at:


     As additional information about each implementation becomes
available, links will be added on the change summary page.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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