20010427: Notice of Intent to Change-20km RUC

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Notice of Intent to Change the NCEP Rapid Update Cycle
 (ASCII below, Word document also attached)

Brief description of change(s): The Rapid Update Cycle will increase its
horizontal and vertical resolution, and also improve its data assimilation
and numerical prediction model.  The horizontal resolution will change from
40 km to 20 km (covering the same domain), and the number of vertical levels
will be increased from 40 to 50.  A 3-dimensional variational analysis in
the RUC?s isentropic/sigma hybrid coordinate system will replace the current
optimal interpolation analysis.  The analysis will also now include an
initial cloud analysis, with assimilation of GOES cloud-top pressure, to
modify RUC 1-h forecast hydrometeor fields. The 20km RUC model includes
upgrades in explicit cloud microphysics, convective parameterization, and
land-surface scheme.

The 20km RUC will run out to at least 6h every hour, as opposed to the
current 3h forecast at initial times not divisible by 3.  It will also begin
to use the 06z and 18z Eta runs, along with the 00z and 12z runs, for its
boundary conditions.  ?Look-alike? 40km grids will also be produced from the
20km RUC, allowing an easy transition by users.  More information about the
20km RUC is available at http://ruc.fsl.noaa.gov/20kmRUC-apr01.htm (a
slightly extended version of a CAFTI presentation from 22 March 2001).

Reason for Change(s): To improve RUC forecasts, especially for
precipitation, clouds, and surface variables.  The 20km RUC has been in
real-time testing at FSL since July 2000, and with all of the components
listed above since December 2000.

Schedule for change:
Final testing completed:      5 June 2001
CAFTI Approval:
Expected implementation:  30 June 2001

Description of testing:

The 20km RUC model has been in real-time testing at FSL since July 2000, and
with the assimilation system since December 2000.  Both case studies and
statistical verification show considerable improvement for the RUC.
Statistical comparisons with the 40km RUC have been made, including
verification against rawinsonde and METAR observations, and against NCEP
precipitation analyses.

Statistical summaries:

        Initial summaries from FSL 20km RUC testing are available inside the RUC
presentation at http://ruc.fsl.noaa.gov/20kmRUC-apr01.htm . These will be
updated for longer periods in May, and more detail will be provided.
Rawinsonde verification is made every 12h for wind, temperature, height, and
relative humidity at mandatory levels.  The raob verification generally
shows similar performance to the 40km RUC, but with slightly reduced
standard deviations at 250-150 hPa, and with reduced RH and temperature
bias.  Surface analyses and forecasts from the 20km RUC are verified every
3h against METAR data, with standard deviation and bias of 2m temperature
and dewpoint, and 10m vector wind and wind speed.  The surface verification
shows a strong reduction in temperature, dewpoint, and wind speed biases,
and an increased fit to METAR data.  All of this verification has been done
using the 40km ?look-alike? output grids from the 20km test RUC.  Cloud-top
forecasts are evaluated against NESDIS cloud-top products. Finally, 24h
precipitation totals (from summing two 12-h RUC forecasts) have been
verified against the NCEP 24h precipitation analysis for equitable threat
score, bias, and categorical mean absolute error.  These indicate that the
20km RUC significantly improves forecasts for 24h totals over 1?, both in
winter and spring.

Forecast examples:

        The performance of the 20km RUC running in real-time at FSL can be
monitored and compared with the 40km RUC through the RUC web site
(http://ruc.fsl.noaa.gov )  Also, examples from FSL 20km RUC testing are
available inside the RUC presentation at

Anticipated impact on forecasts:  Improved precipitation forecasts,
especially in the warm season, improved cloud forecasts, improved wind and
temperature forecasts near the tropopause. Also, the 20km RUC provides
improved accuracy in surface forecasts with elimination of an insufficient
diurnal cycle (40km RUC is too cool in the day and too warm at night).

Human point of contact for further information: Stan Benjamin, 303-497-6387;
e-mail: Stan.Benjamin@xxxxxxxx

Field Evaluation:   Aviation Weather Center and Storm Prediction Center and
NWS regions will all participate in an evaluation during May.  Storm
Prediction Center will include a focus on the 20km RUC during its spring
verification program.   Grids from the 20km RUC runs at FSL are available
via ftp already, and grids from the NCEP test 20km RUC will be available by
10 May.

A web forum on the 20km RUC evaluation has been set up at
http://ruc.fsl.noaa.gov/forum/eval20.  A similar forum for the 40km RUC was
very successful in disseminating information to RUC users during its
evaluation, and has been continued since that time.

EMC Director:    Stephen Lord                      Date:

NCEP Director:   Louis Uccellini                   Date:

Future changes:    A further upgrade to the RUC will be proposed in 2002,
including improvements in the cloud/hydrometeor analysis using radar and
surface observations, improvements in the microphysics scheme (developed
primarily by NCAR/RAP) and convection scheme, and an increase in horizontal
resolution to approximately 12 km.

Stan Benjamin                 benjamin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
NOAA Forecast Systems Lab     303-497-6387 - phone
Chief, Regional Analysis and  303-497-4176 - fax
 Prediction Branch           http://ruc.fsl.noaa.gov
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO  80305-3328 USA

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