20001030: Climate software -ADMIN NOTICE NOUS71 KNCF (fwd)

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NOUS71 KNCF 301923
This message is being sent by the NCF to warn you of a problem that you
will experience with the climate program during the next few days.  The
same software error that caused last month's end-of-month problem will
also cause a problem this month.  Although the fix to the software has
been made, the error is in the software rather than in an editable file,
and  you won't see the fix to the problem until the next software
delivery.  The workaround, of course, is to edit the output product
before transmitting it. This is what you need to look for:
1) intermediate/evening climate product run on October 30:
          the sunrise/sunset output will contain October 30 and November
1.  Change the label of November 1 to October 31.
2) morning climate product run on October 31:
          change the sunrise/sunset labels to October 31 and November 1.
3) Don't even attempt to run the intermediate/evening climate program on
October 31.  The program will either crash, or (worse) be caught in an
infinite loop.  The only thing that we can suggest is that you edit an
existing product, and change the values.
We will issue another administrative message tomorrow for the November 1
morning runs.

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